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Everything posted by Tinman

  1. ACTUALLY got new Internet! No more watching CS:GO in mobile quality :D :D
  2. Baggage spinbot heaven :kappa:
  3. You strike me as being one of those arrogant CS:GO players... oh well. :disappointed:
  4. Back in the day, I received Silver 1 as my first rank. Almost entirely because I was unaware of any South African CS Scene (if not CoD4 then why should there be CS logic) and I played every game with 300 ping. But I can guarantee I was better than any MG+ of today. It's just how it is now sadly :/ranks. mean. shit.
  5. Damn my sceptical mind! My only option is to leave a subtle, ambiguous remark... It's a trap!
  6. Damn the memories... :(
  7. Very difficult to write in your 2nd or 3rd language! Good luck
  8. I just... that just doesn't make sense Bosnian. I mean, I'm not surprised but... :wat: :wat:
  9. Contra
  10. Guy who just heard from someone in teamspeak that I still don't know what knobjockey means Edit: f u Mo
  11. Knobjockey
  12. I may not be knowledgeable enough to know this but surely you'd need to toggle it off once they leave the secret? Since its served it's purpose and if the player didn't have it on in the first place, I'm sure he'd want it off again :P
  13. P90
  14. Wouldn't have been surprised since ODESZA is all that you need :wub: + wish we had Spotify in SA :cry:
  15. Thank you very much, means a lot :)
  16. Actually, Valve have mentioned they are ignoring many faults with the current engine as the developers are concentrating on the release of Source 2. + Source 1's code is so messy that when they try fix a problem it often brings up other errors. I try my best to not jump to conclusions but sometimes I am caught out :<
  17. Haha, that's not "vac'd" :D Excruciatingly common error that Valve persists to ignore :/
  18. Saved. All of them. http://prntscr.com/8fg22t :davehair:
  19. You need help
  20. Starting CT is immediate rip for the other team, exactly why no active duteh anymoar :<
    1. Tilak


      its his choice.

    2. jwofles
    3. Tinman


      I will most likely only get a new PC when I'm out of school. You have fair argument Bosnian, it's just sadly not an option for me. I will have to deal with 40fps for a few more years, at least with ScreaM-like aim :P

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  21. Woah, crappy Google Translate is an understatement :dave:
  22. Only weird because you made it with your "big package urine" and "Doctor Oz said so, so it must be correct" shit :dumb: And I highly doubt it's god for you, neither do I think it's bad for you :) it doesn't matter tbh