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About Tinman

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  • Birthday 09/02/99

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  1. Literally can't wait... http://prntscr.com/a5ib28

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Tinman


      I never said I didn't take the screenshot soon after the download started, I simply stated that the speed displayed by Steam was accurate to my actual line speed. Now calm down and stop jumping to conclusions.

    3. iMtroll


      Want me to buy you a new fishing pole? You seem to be trying to catch more sympathy nowadays

    4. Tinman


      You honestly make no sense and seem to be looking for anything to pin against me. I'm not sure what I did to irritate you so much or if things aren't going as planned irl for you, but please don't involve me in it. You are not displaying a healthy image as Raid's Owner either.

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