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About Tinman

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  • Birthday 09/02/99

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  1. Literally can't wait... http://prntscr.com/a5ib28

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. iMtroll


      So you post a screenshot of your download time remaining literally 1 second in to the download to show the lowest speed possible in order to gain more sympathy from people. Nice.

    3. Tinman


      No, that is my actual speed if not a bit faster. Why the hell are you attacking me lol?

    4. iMtroll


      If it's your actual speed (it said something about having KB/s) then how come the download only had 500 bytes downloaded? If it takes you more than 5 seconds to download 500 bytes, you wouldn't be here on the forums because Internet would be too irresponsive. No one in the world gets under 1KB/s and stabily browses the Internet. It clearly says your speed in the top left of the screenshot, and the amount downloaded is 50x less than what your speed shows.

    5. Show next comments  12 more