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Everything posted by Beatthat

  1. I always had to change the version number when i used cod4 maya plugins.
  2. I use world at war maya plugins, less buggy, and you don't have to change the version number. Works completely fine with cod4.
  3. Nice tutorial, definitely helpful for people that never did such stuff.
  4. Too big brushes? No Skybox? No Spawns?
  5. Could also be a problem within the map itself.
  6. what do you expect then? it doesnt even build the bsp file, looks like you're getting an Access denied error. I had that error too like 2 years ago, i think i just reinstalled modtools in another folder.
  7. Compile your bsp again, and post the log here.
  8. I'm a rock person. Breaking Benjamin - Dear Agony | 12 Stones - Beneath the Scars | RED - Until We Have Faces | Thousand Foot Krutch-Welcome To The Masquerade | Trapt - Trapt |
  9. We've recently just added a few new maps, most maps that are getting denied are either shit or buggy. Tell us what maps you want instead of saying "add more maps".
  10. happy bday
  11. The new consoles cost around 400 Euros as far as im aware of. a decent SELF BUILD gaming pc costs around 600 - 1200 Euros and a pre-build one like 2000 Euros which could do the same as a self build one for around 800 -1000 *cough* alienware *cough*. It's obvious that pc's itself are going to cost more since they can do like 10 million things more than consoles. However, pc wins when it comes to games, it has more and cheaper games. Don't forget the steam summer sale and other littles sales on steam. Pc has better graphics, the new console can't even run most games at 1080p which is sad, hell, they even run some of the new games only at 30 fps and like the shittiest resolution ever, im talking about 792p and 900p. Consoles do have a few exclusives which are pretty good, a good example would be the last of us for the ps4 and ps3. It all depends on how much you enjoy playing on one of those platforms. On what platform play good friends of yours on? I switched from xbox360 to pc since most of my real life friends played on pc, so I'd suggest you todo the same ( I'm talking about playing on the same platform as your friends. ) In my opinion, the ps4 wins the console war against the xbone. I still think PC's are better for the long run. Why? Because you can always upgrade your pc, you can't do that on consoles unless a new generation of consoles is coming, probably around 2020(?) It might be more expensive for the long run, but, you're getting a smooth and nice gaming experience.
  12. It either was mp_deathrun_city or mp_deathrun_zero. Sometime in march 2012.
  13. No i meant the the main map csv aka zone files: looks like you've added your .mp3 to the zone files, which is wrong. You're only supposed to add the soundalias to the csv, to make custom sounds works. Like that: sound,soundaliasname,,all_mp. Haven't done much mapping nor modding in the last couple of weeks, means I'm probably wrong. So if that doesn't work, then post your whole soundalias here, and the path of your sound file.
  14. You are not supposed to add the .mp3 file to the csv.
  15. Some old clan mate gifted it to me on steam like 2 years ago, since it was my birthday and he stopped playing it. Then a rl friend of mine told me about deathrun, and now I'm here. Magic.
  16. Does your son have the same cod4 key as you? if not, then tell him to type !register in the chat, if he hasn't already.
  17. You currently have 46 connections.
  18. We have active admins, but we can't stay on the servers 24/7. Punkbuster stopped supporting cod4 since about half a year, that means that cod4 doesnt have an anti-cheat, that's basicially a welcome message to all the hackers out there. That's why we have a ticket system on here, so you can report those hackers. You may also add some admins on xfire and report hackers to them.
  19. Can somebody be so kind and upload it to sendspace or somewhere else? I can't register on iceops since i don't get an activation email.
  20. Goodbye. You were a great admin, wish you best of luck for the future.
  21. cg_chattime 0 that command is going to disable your chat completely, standard is 12000 You can't mute only one person, that's not possible.
  22. My internet is getting faster for some reason o.o 2 months ago: 1 month ago: today:
  23. Got bored a few days ago and decided I'd make a remake of Tribute from Counter Strike: Source ;P However, I need some ideas, does anyone have special wishes / suggestions? The mapping part is to 80% done i guess. Didn't even start scripting it, just made a few functions that I'm gonna use later in the map. At the moment, it has 2 more traps than the ported cod4 version Some pics:
  24. Well the script error comes from somewhere else. just post the whole script here
  25. you forgot the semicolon at player giveWeapon("remington700_mp"); Edit: Darmuh was faster :c