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Everything posted by Beatthat

  1. Just post the part with the error here.
  2. I'll close this thread then.
  3. Works fine for me, so you obviously didn't do what it said
  4. Oh my god yes. Yeah, good news for windows users :dave:
  5. Looks pretty good on the screens, hope you add some unique things to the map.
  6. My best run on mp_surftown :o

    failed two times on easiest parts though :c
    1. QueNNch


      And all I was thinking while watching that fine video was that IWnet would have never even thought this could be done with their game.

    2. ~Budzy~


      this makes me want to do a surftown video, but i suck :<

    3. jwofles


      that's a shame.


    4. Show next comments  30 more
  7. Images...?!?
  8. Me

    This post was unnecessary. I'd kindly ask you to stop that behavior.
  9. It's already decided what zombie mod we're getting, lossy already decided it before this thread was even made. I'm probably not allowed to tell you guys what we're getting, so you'll have to wait till lossy tells you all.
  10. Please tell me, how is he spamming? He's not going to apply anyways, techno is an old friend of lossy.
  11. i wish someone would remake this mod from black ops 1, i used to play this all the time a few years ago
  12. Bug should be fixed now Topic Closed.
  13. Here are two albums that i like =)
  14. omg guise lookz at mai sexi shipment remake, it only tookz me 5 minuts but who cares? nah but on a serious note, i agree with you lossy, ugly looking maps = shit to me. I don't get how people like it. I really think we should go back onTopic though, almost forgot what thread this is lol.
  15. I updated it with spoilers.
  16. Can you not make a new post for every plugin you're showing us?
  17. Oi

    1. Beatthat


      Also @Bear what's so special about your mod lol the only difference i can see is that you put some text with credits to you and the version number in the top center.

    2. Arnold


      mein mod ist über.

    3. Arnold


      because its made by me, bear

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  18. I honstly don't care if a map has music in it, my sound is muted every time i play cod4. Some people like it, some don't. It gives a special feel to the map in my opinion, and for the people that dont like it, just mute your sound. I know, you're gonna say "But i want to hear my fire sound or my footsteps" that's just how it is, either deal with it or don't play it.
  19. I was thinking of adding something like sharpshooter to it, you get a random gun every 45 seconds, since it can either be a good gun ( e.g ak47 ) or a bad gun ( e.g rpg with only 2 rockets )
  20. I think the topic title should be changed to "show your pet" :dave: but i let this up to the creator of this thread.
  21. here are 2 screenshots of the mw3 infected gametype i was working on for a few days. usp is going to be replaced with the knife from deathrun, if i ever get around to finish it.
  23. My upload speed has a great day today B)
  24. You didn't have to stop developing it, I didn't finish it anyways. I wanted to add custom menus, unlocks, levels etc... the "main" gametype was done though.
  25. Bot zombies is boring in my opinion, players vs players is the best. That's why i loved infected in mw3.