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Everything posted by Beatthat

  1. Happy birthday!
  2. Maps I'd like to see: Killhouse Showdown Countdown Downpour Maps I'd like to get removed: Bloc, I don't like the way it plays, also the balcony campers are annoying. Chinatown, I don't like the way it plays. Winter Crash, It's the same as the original crash, means that I don't really see a point in having two same maps in the rotation.
  3. - Metalcore - Post Hardcore - Punk Rock - Chillstep - Trap - Sometimes Rap
  4. You can change the bind to save and load your position to whatever you want in the options > binds menu. It depends on the ping, not possible to fix. Btw, if anyone can't vote, here are the binds. To vote yes: /bind key openscriptmenu cjvote cjvoteyes To vote no: /bind key openscriptmenu cjvote cjvoteno
  5. Good job, I really enjoyed playing this mod today.
  6. Funny thing is that the ingame !rules command tells me and all the other players on the server something different This pic tells me that glitching in general isn't allowed, yes, it might not give you an advantage, but still, it's glitching, I don't kill players unless they're under the map, or in a spot where nobody can see / kill them.
  7. You obviously didn't read what I just said
  8. But guess what? That's not allowed, read the rules. I'll fix those bugs soon. Showdown might come soon, since i've fixed all bugs there. I dunno about Killhouse, would require me to spawn collision on the roof, so nobody can go out of map.
  9. That's exactly why it's a bad idea to have those teleporters in that map, people that are not that good at deathrun or just started playing it, are going to get flashed every few seconds.
  10. What do you expect, that freak guy made it, he's known for making shitty maps since 2012.
  11. Happy birthday! :D
  12. Welcome!
  13. I like it, but jumpers can shoot through that: Same thing happens on skydeath, put a weapon_clip on the jumpers side. Kinda like this
  14. Yey.. new update! Blame darmuh, he told me to work on it... - Worked on the lighting - More detail has been added - Most of the traps are done - Added a few eastereggs ( no, this map is not gonna have a cj "secret" ) - Keeping the .ff's and .iwd file size as small as possible. Currently about 5.78mb. ( iwd + ff's ) Here's a little todo list: Going to update this post every now and then.
  15. Released: mp_dr_tron. 2012 mp_dr_destiny. 2013 Unreleased: mp_dr_pool_v2. 2012, First ever map, I thought it'd be the easiest to start with a remake, since i liked the original pool back then. mp_deathrun_freefall. 2012 Second map, never released due bugs, and I just didn't like it in general. Unreleased Mods: Infected. 2013, Port from mw3, Base code is done, but I cba to finish it. WIP Maps: mp_dr_tribute: Here's a little comparison between my version of tribute and the older port of Tribute. ( First two pics = my version, and the third and fourth are the older remake. )
  16. People... Learn to read the Requirements Isn't that big enough? - Locked
  17. Have fun!
  18. There's a pic Edit: Have to agree with darmuh. Also, what exactly did you change in the script? all i see is a few lines like playfxontag and setModel commented out, wouldn't really call that "converted".
  19. mp_dr_desiny songs: Song1: Two Steps From Hell - Magika Song2: Liquid Cinema - Destiny Awaits Song3: Clint Mansell - Lux Aeterna Don't remember the final-fight song. But if I do, I'll update this post. mp_dr_tron song: Song1: Daft Punk - Derezzed
  20. Yeah... why would one even buy a 290x, a 280x etc... the ones without x are pretty much the same, there's only like 2 - 4 fps difference in games like battelfield, the only thing that's difference is that the ones with an X cost much more. amazon price difference: 270x: 270: