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Everything posted by Beatthat

  1. Even if they have lots of kids on, it's not like they never heard those words before, also THEY chose to play a game for 17+ year olds. Just because there're some 10 - 14 year olds on means that the older people can't use swear words? Don't even think they give a fuck about the younger ones, unless they're young themselves. They probably just do it so they can get a "better" rep for their server. I'd understand if the rule was 'Don't insult other players', but to warn / kick / ban players for saying stuff like 'shit' or 'fuck' is just silly.
  2. @ Most servers don't have that feature added to their server so it might be useful for them Edit: missread the post, it's possible to shoot the activator when the timer is on zero because the acti get's picked like 0.1 seconds later.
  3. { ͡• ͜ʖ ͡•}

  4. ..... there're no plugins for custom wepz, you need the source files. No source files, no new levels and weapons
  5. Agreed, I'd join depending on the time and date of course :)
  6. move dis "trig waittill ("trigger", player);" to the start of the loop and you're fine
  7. Because of the while(1) loop
  8. we won't help you cheat your rank.
  9. Imma go skiing with a friend tomorrow at 10am, will come back on monday!

  10. I'm using GVR ( part of amd gaming evolved ) which came with my drivers. No idea if it works on your system though. Never had any fps problems with it.
  11. That's what happens when you get bored while playing deathrun:

    1. QueNNch


      What's that recording application on the top left :o ?

    2. Beatthat


      Amd's alternative to Shadowplay

    3. BosnianArmy
    4. Show next comments  18 more
  12. block function is there for a reason :$
  13. Razer Blackwidow Ultimate Xtreme Xplosives In-Ear Headphones | Green with Mic New Clothes
  14. happy holidays!
  15. Happy birthday! again :davewub:
  16. Nice run, and good song choice :)
  17. I used intel HD Graphics 4000 when my gpu fucked up, worked fine on cod4 honestly, I obviously had to play on lowest - medium settings, with 1024x768 res and I still got 100+ fps. Should've saved for a cheap gaming rig instead ^^. Unfortunately, you can't upgrade the Graphic chip in a laptop, unless it's some newer gaming laptop, some of them allow it. The only thing I know of what you can upgrade is your RAM.
  18. Hello and welcome
  19. The moment you've all been waiting for not Pictures were made when i came back home today. 2nd pic has shitty quality, sorry about that. Have fun fapping! :dave:
  20. Can't find the charger for my phone -_- will search for it and post a mirror selfie as soon as I do find it.
  21. Watched some people 'Virtual' Tune some cars, I also wanted to try it, so here is my 1st attempt: Old Car: My Version: Obviously not amazing, has many shit looking spots, but I'm tired and I honestly just want to sleep atm. But doing this is actually fun. :)
  22. No, it would give him red colours, rainbow if you don't have a lightgrid :)
  23. Will also post one tomorrow or on Sunday, depends how lazy I'am :) Since Xenon needs new fap material... :dave:
  24. 1. BlackWidow Ultimate Stealth 2014. 2. Xtreme Xplosives In Ear Headphones in Green. 3. New clothes ( Includes new shoes ) 4. The rest of my money goes for friends and family gifts Most of this is paid with my money, I'll probably still get a few other gifts from good friends and mom :dave: dunno what though.
  25. Same as your first one just with chicken.