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Posts posted by Beatthat

  1. map looks great to me from the

    . Sure there's bounces and a (not-so) secret room but overall it looks like he executed his theme well, added some interesting/unique traps, and made something people will have fun playing.

    If you're upset about the bounces you're gonna have to look at the game you're playing. That's what makes cod4 deathrun different and that's what keeps people playing. Be happy that all the traps aren't just moving bounces like most maps cop out and do. Be happy the guy took the time to not only properly texture the map but use proper lighting, create a unique path for players to run, and provide different environments within the map.

    tl;dr you guys aren't giving the guy enough credit. It's a great map, despite your opinion on bounces and (notso) secret rooms.


    Don't get me wrong, the map doesn't seem bad at all. It's mostly just the cj room and this guy reaction to negative critic that made me write that. Also, Krispy made a video about that map and it looks like you can bounce over most of the traps. Not too sure about that because I haven't played the map yet.


  2. Would be an okay map if he didn't add useless bounces everywhere on the map. Also, I'm guessing he doesn't know the defenition of a secret since he actually shows it in his video, even how to get into it. Might just wanna call it "A Shitty cj room which just wastes everyone's time"


    Too bad that those rooms became standards and without it, the amazing dr community hates the whole map.


    I don't like that guy as a mapper, and as soon as you give him some critic, he gets butthurt. 
