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Everything posted by Pixel

  1. will that affect the whole map though or just the players who enter the trigger
  2. Like father like son ^_^ Welcome to Raid forums ;)
  3. Currently working on a scary maze which is to do with one of the secrets. Who likes clowns? ;)

    1. Pixel


      You're saying that like the majority of maps don't have secrets.

    2. siikdude


      pixel m8

      it was a joke. plz dont be mad at me :foreveralone:

    3. Kratos


      I love clowns :yay:

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  4. Done 11 traps so far, I think it's still a little short

    1. ~Budzy~


      Dawn only has 8 ;__; Still, it seems a pretty hard ass map as no one finishes it :>

    2. Triton


      11 Traps is pretty good, As long as they are decent enough quality, Then your map shall still be good

    3. Pixel


      I guess so, but I want moaarrrr

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  5. Thanks :) I was unsure about Macs. I'll add this to the thread.
  6. Just done a bit more on my map, tested it, and realised to make it decent, it's going to take me at least another month ;_;

    1. Kratos


      Hope everything comes out good :)

    2. jwofles


      take yer damn time!

    3. Pixel
    4. Show next comments  48 more
  7. I have no idea why they re-direct to braxi.org. I'll fix that now. Edit: Fixed.
  8. In the past 72 hours I've had 8 hours sleep. I just... don't... sleep.

    1. ~Budzy~


      I havent slept... My eyes burn

    2. siikdude


      if i dont get enough sleep i feel like absolute shit. My whole body would ache

    3. Pixel


      I've done it too much, I must be getting use to it

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  9. FACT: There are more printed copies of IKEA Catalogs than of bibles.

  10. Don't worry Ryan, they shouldn't just judge you because you're in FNRP :P I know you're a cool person and not annoying. I'd never refer an annoying person to these forums (: With that being said welcome to the forums and I hope you enjoy learning more about mapping ^_^
  11. In maps I see decent 3D text. An example would be "Map Made By: Pet X" which is what I saw on a map. The 3D text is really smooth. Is this done in radiant or a program like maya? If anyone has some sort of download to 3D text in radiant, is there anyway they could sent it me? I'd highly appreciate this.
  12. Sorry about that :) I will be sure to cut that out on the next preview just for you! ^_^
  13. I've looked at the feedback and changed the following: -The scale of the map has now increased considerably. -You no longer mantle on that weird platform and climb up a weird claw thing. I changed it with two little elevator platforms moving up and down at different times. (Aids those servers without Anti-Block.) -The ladder has been removed and replaced with a large elevator leading up straight to the next room. To do: Change the textures. Your feedback helps! Please leave some and changes will be made if I agree!
  14. I've only been playing Raid Deathrun for a total of 16 hours, and the times I've been in the server I've always been welcomed by Kratos. He understands the rules, and will be a great admin. Earlier today he was suspicious of someone trying to be me in the server. He informed me straight away, kept an eye out on the guy and told me he will take necessary screenshots. He definitely deserves admin, even if he isn't 16. I thought he was over 16 just by his attitude towards people and maturity. Good luck with your application bro :)
  15. It's not a first map, I have had practice one many, and lost all the maps I was working on which were 4 WIPs.
  16. Thanks for the feedback. I will look into making things larger and platforms wider :)
  17. Thanks again :D
  18. One more quick question, how do I import these letters quickly into my current map?
  19. Thank you very much, Darmuh (:
  20. Okay I think I have found some here guys, but I can't find the download button for them? http://modsonline.com/Downloads-full-5312.html
  21. I don't mean scripts, I mean brushes
  22. Hello guys, I had a break for a couple of months due to a health problem if you don't remember, but anyway, I'm but for a while :) I won't be on as much because I've got work and stuff, but I will be on :) I'll mainly be playing in the Deathrun server and occasionally in the CJ server, but I'll mostly be mapping or expanding my knowledge on scripting. I've decided to stick with Raid because the people in this community are awesome and their dev team know what they're doing :) So yeah, hi again :)
  23. For the bounce room on a map, I need it so if the activator goes into the trigger, they spawn at their specific origin, if it's not, then spawn at the other origin out of the two. I came up with this useless script, trying to be pro, figured out it's never going to work, lost hope, and opened Raid's website for help :c This is my stupid attempt: bounceroomtele() { trigger = getent("bouncetele","targetname"); trigger waittill("trigger"); if( self.pers["team"] == "axis" ) self thread actibouncetele(); else { self thread jumperbouncetele(); } } actibouncetele() { entTransporter = getentarray("bouncetele","targetname"); if(isdefined(entTransporter)) { for(lp=0;lp<entTransporter.size;lp=lp+1) entTransporter[lp] thread TransporterBT1(); } } transporterBT1() { while(true) { self waittill("trigger",player); entTarget = getent(self.target, "targetname"); wait(0.10); player setorigin(entTarget.origin); player setplayerangles(entTarget.angles); wait(0.10); } } jumperbouncetele() { entTransporter = getentarray("bouncetele","targetname"); if(isdefined(entTransporter)) { for(lp=0;lp<entTransporter.size;lp=lp+1) entTransporter[lp] thread TransporterBT2(); } } transporterBT2() { while(true) { self waittill("trigger",player); entTarget = getent(self.target, "targetname"); wait(0.10); player setorigin(entTarget.origin); player setplayerangles(entTarget.angles); wait(0.10); } } Proceed to laugh at my attempts. Any help / advice is highly appreciated c:
  24. I can't :c fank you
  25. Hello guys. I've decided to take a break for my own benefit. Not sure how long I'll be, 1 Week, 2 Weeks, I don't know. I've recently been getting wild squeezing and tight pains in my heart and chest. After reading up on this and watching videos, it seems it's affected by the angina, which is a common symptom for coronary heart disease. You may think this is stupid and I shouldn't worry, but if I'm facing symptoms of something which is life-threatening, I'm not going to take any risks. I'm not overweight or anything, my diet isn't very good, and hasn't been for a while. So I'm going to reorganize myself and get healthier, even though this won't cure it, only aid it, but before I do anything, I will be going to see a doctor. Anyway, take care everyone, I'll see you all soon.