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Everything posted by Khaled

  1. Hello - haven't been around for almost a year Anyway i used to map a year ago but i stopped and my latest work was on a map called mp_dr_castle although i suck at mapping u judge The map is finished but got some glitches didn't have the time ... So i give you all the Source of the whole map but the script.gsc file is missing don't know where it is although i finished all the scripts if any file is missing tell me so i update the link You can download the map and play it with all the traps working fine Here Ingame pictures
  2. Hey I see what ur saying just wanna say I no fan for fnrp I just put fnrp logo cause I used to play on they're server a while ago but didn't released the map cause I left the whole mapping thing it got boring and now I'm back just for the new radiant :)
  3. This map is 1 year old and i didn't change anything ... I don't care what between you and fnrp site ... take the source file delete the fnrp logo
  4. Will = Congrats on the map
  5. اهنيئك على الماب ---
  6. o.0 It look like a zombie map .. o.0
  7. Hey everyone Map name = castle , because the activator live inside the castle :dumb: There's 10 traps And map size is medium i think /idk :motherofgod: 1 secret Screenshots
  8. Oh god :horror:
  9. Yes!
  10. My second map :( .. Don't ask me about the first one :unsure: i don't want to talk about it ,because it's a shitty map :rage:
  11. Give me your opinion :mellow:
  12. fuck, i did not see that o.0 P.S. I changed the website
  13. @Staab I can make that :dumb: But this is better :troll: I took it from google
  14. should i add anything to the map ? cause i finished the map, but i think there's something missing :# :mellow:
  15. CoD WaW , there's lots of people there and even a large community for zombie mapping . And not everyone could join a gaming company because he knows how to make a detailed map
  16. Why the traps are all the same .. and there's some glitches that lead you out of the map and when you jump on the buildings you'll go inside them ,
  17. Hello , I have couple of questions 1- Dose iprintlnbold let all players see the message . and is [self iprintlnbold] only for the player that hit the trigger ? And dose [self iprintlnbold] even work ? 2- i have a script but not sure if it dose work or not . i mean the trap works fine but i don't know about the xp so if the activator activate the trap dose it give him 20 xp ? and same as teleport , when the player gets teleport is he gonna get xp .. ? and i mean xp no cheating or anything just give him xp if he finished the secret way or anything .. :) Script I tried it on free run didn't work i don't know if it should work online Sorry but this is the last :# Just need an end room script ;# I mean jump room knife sniper or at least give me your own end room script and i'll figured out my self Thanks :# :)
  18. Its not about finding the secret , you have to finish the secret and its pretty hard in my map to finish the secret and i would give him 40 xp instead of giving him a weapon ** and i may change it and give him a weapon :# Anyway Thanks ;)
  19. I meant the xp siikdUde
  20. Great ;) But is there any explanation !! for the teleport trigger ? Teleport2() { trig = getEnt ("trig_teleport2", "targetname"); target = getEnt ("target2", "targetname"); for(;;) { trig waittill ("trigger", player); player braxi\_rank::giveRankXP( "", 100); player SetOrigin(target.origin); player SetPlayerAngles( target.angles ); player iPrintLnBold ("^3 You've finished the secret way^9 !!"); } } So player braxi\_rank::giveRankXP( "", 100); should do the job it doesn't need to put any trigger to AddTrigsTolist() Right !! ? And thanks to all who helped me :)
  21. So now all good ? So far i don't understand where should i put the teleport trigger
  22. I'm getting confused so i can't put teleport trigger in addtriggerstolist only triggers for the activator o.0 ...
  23. maps\mp\_load::main(); game["allies"] = "marines"; game["axis"] = "opfor"; game["attackers"] = "axis"; game["defenders"] = "allies"; game["allies_soldiertype"] = "desert"; game["axis_soldiertype"] = "desert"; I had this already in my gsc. but i forgot to put it in the thread anyway i deleted player braxi\_rank::giveRankXP( "", 100); Now when free run ends and and lets say my friend joined the server and 2nd round started . it should work fine right ? And could i change the xp ? or its only on the mod file ? main() { maps\mp\_load::main(); game["allies"] = "marines"; game["axis"] = "opfor"; game["attackers"] = "axis"; game["defenders"] = "allies"; game["allies_soldiertype"] = "desert"; game["axis_soldiertype"] = "desert"; thread AddTrigsToList(); thread www1(); thread Teleport2(); } addTriggerToList( name ) { if( !isDefined( level.trapTriggers ) ) level.trapTriggers = []; level.trapTriggers[level.trapTriggers.size] = getEnt( name, "targetname" ); } AddTrigsToList() { addTriggerToList("trigger1"); addTriggerToList("trig_teleport2"); } www1() { trig = getEnt ("trig1", "targetname"); bla = getEnt ("rotate", "targetname"); trig waittill("trigger",player); trig delete(); while(1) { bla rotateyaw (360, 4); wait 1; bla rotateyaw (360, 4); } } Teleport2() { trig = getEnt ("trig_teleport2", "targetname"); target = getEnt ("target2", "targetname"); for(;;) { trig waittill ("trigger", player); player SetOrigin(target.origin); player SetPlayerAngles( target.angles ); iprintlnbold ("^3 You've finished the secert way^9 !!"); } }
  24. So this should work main() { thread AddTrigsToList(); thread www1(); thread Teleport2(); } addTriggerToList( name ) { if( !isDefined( level.trapTriggers ) ) level.trapTriggers = []; level.trapTriggers[level.trapTriggers.size] = getEnt( name, "targetname" ); } AddTrigsToList() { addTriggerToList("trigger1"); addTriggerToList("trig_teleport2"); } www1() { trig = getEnt ("trigger1", "targetname"); trig = getEnt ("trig1", "targetname"); bla = getEnt ("rotate", "targetname"); trig waittill("trigger",player); trig delete(); player braxi\_rank::giveRankXP( "", 20); while(1) { bla rotateyaw (360, 4); wait 1; bla rotateyaw (360, 4); } } Teleport2() { trig = getEnt ("trig_teleport2", "targetname"); target = getEnt ("target2", "targetname"); for(;;) { trig waittill ("trigger", player); player braxi\_rank::giveRankXP( "", 100); player SetOrigin(target.origin); player SetPlayerAngles( target.angles ); iprintlnbold ("^3 You've finished the secert way^9 !!"); } } :# and dose not work on free round :?