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About BlueSeven

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 02/25/97

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  • Interests
    Football, Table Tennis, Video Games and Coding.

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  1. So I recently bought myself a PS4. If anyone has a PS4, you may add me, my PSN name is "Stevano97"

  2. Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Going away for a week so that is why I am saying it early. I hope everyone has a lovely time with family and friends. Much love from the Nubcake <3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Anti


      Likewise back at you nubcake. Have fun on your trip

    3. Cloudy


      Merry Christmas BlueSeven! Great to see you still around and have fun, hope you have a great Christmas and new year.

    4. ~Budzy~


      Merry Christmas Blue, ain't spoke to you in a while, but have a good one mate :)

  3. Happy Birthday to both of you. Hope you have an awesome day :D
  4. Welcome Back mate :D
  5. Finally back after a month of working and moving houses :D Anything happened recently? :p

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. PC.


      anti is even more nub than a nubs nub

    3. siikdude


      PC is still bad as usual

    4. BlueSeven


      nothing has changed,, everyone is still a nub

  6. Welcome Nubcake, long time no see matey. Enjoy your stay <3
  7. Congratulation to the Raid Community. Awesome 2 Years of fun and meeting awesome people. Still Nubcakes though but always loved <3 Here's to another successful upcoming years :D
  8. Happy Birthday Nubcake :D Hope you have an Awesome Day.
  9. Amazing Job on the map, looks amazing :D
  10. Loving the map, good work buddy :D
  11. Well Done :D