
Retired Admin
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Status Updates posted by Sentrex

  1. Anyone think it's worth spending £20 on BO3 only for mod tools? Will modding/mapping have a big enough community to warrant the buy?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ~Budzy~


      Defiantly not yet 

    3. Anti


      After the abomination that JWofles made in it, it's best to stay clear of those unholy tools

    4. siikdude


      Yea it's not worth it. 

  2. Anyone able to help me with Atom; trying to install the Linter package with Windows but it isn't showing up in the packages section when I search for it. Any smart ideas?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Sentrex


      May not be necessary but what's the harm in trying it out

    3. MiKeY


      Well. Seeing as its not working. Quite a lot. Also its GSC. Code how you like. I am the only Linter you will ever need. 

    4. jwofles
  3. Okay so due to high demand I decided to finish of Oxidation. If anyone has a test server I can use that'd be great for final testing before release. I'm going away tomorrow morning for a couple of weeks so preferably soon. (Or y'all can wait until I get back)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anti


      ^ We could just keep testing it on the one we've been testing on for it before :P

    3. Purity


      As said before, just message troll and he will use Raids one?

    4. Sentrex


      Okay, will do it after my holiday then. Thanks y'all

  4. Have something coming for ya'll in a bit :ph34r:

  5. Ugh Visual Studio still isn't installing for me, this is such a pain in the ass.

    1. Lossy


      takes forever to install

    2. Sentrex


      I've installed/uninstalled/repaired it about 4 times since yesterday. Never runs afterwords.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cloudy
    3. Triton


      Done it, was quite interesting though

    4. HyperCoD


      He is doing research on cod for college 0-0. What has the world come to xD.

  6. If you have AW leave your steam username below! C:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lossy
    3. just_indian



      (don't have AW just love you)

    4. jwofles


      b-b-but I love you mr. indian :c

  7. Is AW worth it?

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. DeadEcho


      Titanfall is much more awesome game than aw will ever be ^^

    3. ~Budzy~


      I disagree with that statement, not because 'I'm a cod fanboy' Titanfall was just boring, clunky, and I hated it, but that's imo

    4. Lossy


      i can't say which is better because i played titanfall on the console D: but cod:aw movement feel so smooth and the animations feel perfect ;_;

  8. Going to be away from tommorow morning until Friday, may get wifi though. For those wondering, I'm going to Iceland!

    1. Tinman


      Just you and your (precious) OnePlus eh? Some alone time... to "bond" and maybe "connect" :troll:

    2. Pixel


      That would be legit if he had it Tinny ;) Have fun Sentrex!

    3. Dolph1n


      bye have a good teim

  9. Would just like to say well done to all the new trial admins, so far it appears you're all doing an amazing job! Keep it up! No report in weeks :o

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PsychoBastard



      They got tired of me making tickets so they made me a trial admin LOL

    3. Anti


      Denied, lead admins+ did a rain dance for months and the falling burrito of trials landed in your basket :dave:

    4. Purity


      my ban hammer senses tingle

  10. There should be a Raid's Deathrun Map Of The Year to encourage people to put out more high quality DR maps

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. jwofles


      there should be one every day :DAVE:DAVE:DAVE:DAVE:

    3. iMtroll


      But Bosnian would win Wofles, he pulls a new map out of his arse every day :<

    4. Pixel
  11. Hmmm

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Arnold


      didnt ya see wat happened to the chickens?

    3. Pixel


      That was faked

    4. Punk


      ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻

  12. Looks like oxidation is fucked :<

  13. Went out to try and buy a laptop, came back with 140 jaffa cakes (._. )

  14. "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.”

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Darmuh


      Elk you do know competition is best for a free market right? It makes people push to make better products and in this case pushes people to catch bigger and better fish. Also, true communism has never been practiced and likely never will be

    3. TheSuitedElk


      But they aren't competing with eachother in selling the fish, they're competing with eachother in obtaining the fish for themselves (hence the market ought not be regarded in this context); therefore it would urge them to develop new techniques for catching the hypothetical fish, rather than to catch fish of a higher quality.

      There is only a finite supply of fish, ergo the problem still stands; teaching someone else to fish damages your own fish yield.

    4. Darmuh


      You make a good point, but this saying is usually applied to situations where there is not a finite resource.