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Everything posted by Sentrex

  1. UK celebrate it
  2. Philopoluicool...shit
  3. Aha! I believe it's linked to your effects. Make sure you dont have any effects being WHILE looped. I got this in stronghold and it got fixed by me redoing the effects, I later found out its because I was looping one. Eg while ( true ) { playFX( ........ ); wait 5; }
  4. Yes do you think dinosaur would taste nice?
  6. Specific requests would be easier but --- Pretty shitty but I don't have too much atm, will make better ones later if you wish
  7. You literally just gave us a download to the 'How to install this map' without the actual map
  8. No, I like that apple are flexing their market... Is farcry3 da best gaem evur? edit: damn you waffles posting before me
  9. None of these 'original' ones good enough?
  10. Please make a ticket. Locked.
  11. NEIN do you like socks?
  12. Yes Does this mention thing work?
  13. To clear that up, if you're using the deathrun mod you don't need to include this part anywhere - getAllPlayers() { return getEntArray( "player", "classname" ); } But if you're not then as long as you have those 4 lines in your script somewhere it'll work. Feel like people may get confused so I thought I'd clear it up a bit :dave: EDIT: If you're using it for deathrun then you need this line at the very top or it won't work - #include braxi\_common;
  14. Dead Island Riptide, 10/10 would rec
  15. Um, who was that aimed at? Most people who replied here have made maps/are good at mapping..
  16. :motherofgod:
  17. No Are Darmuh's status' fascinating to you all?
  18. I understand you ;)
  19. Farm under growth? idk Try Stand 2
  20. Backspin? Once in a blue moon
  21. Nice pun, adder booyyy!
  22. Yes Do you like wotsits?