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Everything posted by Sentrex

  1. Not really, just redo the targetnames
  2. Dear , Please, try and figure out what's causing the error yourself and see if you can fix it before making several threads on things with easy fixes. (Which most people could figure out without even asking anyone)
  3. 'mover' is the variable you created, however it look like you named it 'hurt'. Try replacing 'mover' with 'hurt' and see if that works. I'm assuming the thing you want to move is the hurt trigger as that's what you quoted. As for Bosnian, Giving him a script (that almost won't work) without even trying to explain a thing will do no help what so ever. EDIT: I'm going to work now so won't be able to help you for a few hours, a word of advice; make sure you understand what you're doing before you do it.
  4. You haven't defined 'mover' ...............
  5. Where you defined it in the script... ie, mover = getEnt( "namehere", "targetname" );
  6. The part where you defined 'mover' EDIT: Or that :dumb:
  7. Send that part of the script
  8. Missing a ; after (-320, 4) Do you even look for errors before you ask us?
  9. You're missing a quotation mark after =getent( and after trig waittill( Make sure you always have a " either side of the words
  10. Oh :dumb: I thought it was something other than what I said
  11. Please post how you fixed it for others in case they get the same problem.
  12. Load the effect in your .csv (otherwise known as Zone Files). For example if my effect is in the fire folder and is called 'fire1' I would write this: fx,fire/fire1 To get to your Zone Files it is number 4 on your compile tools list. Hope this helps.
  13. ''4x3 is garbage'' - Synd 2k14
  14. fk sorry meant to upvote
  15. I think his way is less confusing :wat:
  16. Pretty sure yours could be made in about 60 seconds in radiant by using 2 cones and a few cylinders?
  17. I seriously don't even understand what you mean here...Can anyone translate it for me? :dumb:
  18. Post your face and get on topic or shut the fuck up ty
  19. Literally just took this picture now to get back on topic :dumb: I know that I look young but I'm almost 17 :okay: pls no heterz EDIT: ty bear for 300th rep c:
  20. I made your picture more accurate.
  21. I'll make a few but I can't until next week
  22. First things first, I regret it's come to asking the people of Raid but I know that many of you reading this are very intelligent in this sort of area. I have a ridiculous amount of work to do by Monday, and I'm working everyday up until then so have minimal time on my hands at the moment, I was hoping that some of you may be able to help me out with one of my many assignments. Here's the question: "Describe the function and purpose of the control unit, memory unit and ALU (arithmetic logic unit) as individual parts of a computer and describe the use of various buses to convey information between components. It is an 8 mark question and therefore requires a detailed answer of approximately one A4 side." I know some of you will try to be smartasses and do letmegooglethatforyou, and honestly, if I could I would do this myself but I seriously just don't have the time at the moment. I'm prioritising Maths and Physics, I understand it would probably take me less than an hour to Google all the information and type it up but that's an hour I don't have. If no one is up to it then it's not a massive problem, I'll just have to explain that I couldn't. If someone is up to the task then references from sites visited would be great. Even if you just want to briefly explain something then I would appreciate it a lot. Many thanks in advance.
  23. Happy birthday waffles c: ^6<3
  24. Having a pad on your desktop labeled 'accounts' probably isn't smart... (I assume this is account names and passwords to various places)