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Everything posted by Sentrex

  1. Nah, I've always made my own scripts but up until Stronghold everything was either the move function or the rotate function :')
  2. :wub:
  3. Holy crap that's pretty awesome Kratos! :o psst my sig beats all
  4. Thought I'd share my new desktop background c:
  5. Ooooh thanks for sharing, quite enjoy that
  6. Hey all, The reasoning for making this thread is because I'm hoping some of you boffins can help me choose a laptop. I currently use a hefty custom built desktop for pretty much everything I do but since I've recently got a new job which will require a decent laptop, along with sixth form next year I think it's about time I get one. As for what I would like to do, I don't intend to do too much gaming on it as I will have my PC for that. Perhaps the occasional game of COD4, my main worry in terms of performance are that I would like to do all my mapping / 3D modelling (a course I will start in Sept) on it. I also want to continue with making little things in Python and C++, although I doubt they are very demanding. I may get into VFX again but that's a longshot. In general, something snappy that can perform multiple tasks at once. One of the main things I need is for it to be portable, yet still with a fair sized screen. I will need to carry it around all day over the next couple of years so I would like something thin and lightweight but can still pack a punch in the performance department.(a lot to ask for, I know). My budget for this is extremely flexible, anywhere from £300 to £800, but I don't want to overspend. The cheaper I go, the more money I'll have left over. This is one of the main reasons I'm asking this community, I know how to recognise decent specs, but I don't know exactly what kind power I'm going to need. Any help will be greatly appreciated! EDIT - Something I forgot to mention is that I'm BIG on graphics. If at all possible within the price range, I'd prefer something at full HD.
  7. Would be great if you post here what it was, then other people with the same problem can look at this topic and find the answer instead of having to create their own topic.
  8. Raid has been taken over by anime people, soon they shall rule the world! D:
  9. Inb4 compiled bsp but not built the ff
  10. Eh, no other place to do it. I've seen a few people complaining about the HUDs not showing up when they play, perhaps it would be wise to do setDvar( "compassSize", 1 ); on connect. I assume that would work?
  12. pls
  13. Good choice, really not hard to build a pc
  14. oh oops my bad
  15. he means get the intel cpu one and upgrade it later
  16. dislike cause you asked
  17. Not sure if copying Darmuh, or just a coincidence :o Anyhow, welcome to the forums!
  18. yeah that's why I was thinking! I thought there must some hidden amazing thing about the mac because everyone seems to buy one :') Thanks you too
  19. Sorry to bump this ole topic, I think I've narrowed it down to a couple. But I need people opinion along with an explanation :dave: (with Linux) First of all, I'm appealed to the HP more by looking at specs. Everything seems to be better/on par? The main thing I need help with is, could someone kindly explain how Mac+Linux would work? I understand you just boot up the OS on it but will I be able to everything the same as windows? As in, run the same programs etx? What are the advantages of a Mac over the HP and vice versa, why Linux over Windows blah blah. Any help would be great c: HP Mac
  20. pssst look at which topic this is in
  22. Well done! Welcome back c:
  23. Sheep Wizard seems to be active still so hopefully this can be fixed by him.. COUGH do it sheep ;) COUGH