
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Sentrex

  1. Beautiful.
  2. I estimate about 4 people on this forum actually know what that means.. :dumb:
  3. In-game the walls look alright
  4. Lovin' that sand texture! I will be extremely disappointed if there's no secret that creates a massive sandstorm :okay:
  5. lol Darmuh ^^ that's funny too haha
  6. Eeeyy Bumba! Long time, anyways, welcome to the forums :dave:
  7. Has anyone made a mw3 infected mod for cod4?
  8. 200th post! Yaay! Do you accept the requirements?: Yes What is your real name?: Ollie What is your in-game name?: Sentrex How old are you?: 16 What is your primary server?: Deathrun. Occasionally I play CJ and CO. I'm not a fan of the fun server but I'm willing to give it a go. What is your B3 CID?: @2650 What is your Xfire?: sentrexdr What is your Skype?: sentrexhd What is your Steam?: gamer0id What is your Origin?: N/A What makes you a good admin?: I've previously had a lot of experience with moderating servers, particularly Deathrun. I joined the Call of Duty 4 PC playing field around March 2013 so I've had well over a years experience. I was a initially playing Blur for several months until West, Luke and Sox took over, at this point they asked me if I would like to become a moderator on their Deathrun server; of course I accepted. After a few months of moderating with Blur I was offered a promotion to Server Administrator, this was the same as the Moderator rank but with more power; 55pp for mod, 80/100pp for admin. This allowed me to do a lot of commands with the exception of rcon and a couple of commands. On another note for the Blur side, I was an extremely active member and managed to accumilate around 700hours played by the end of it. I plan to keep this the same for Raid. Not only have I been active on the servers, I'm pretty active on the site as well. This is my 200th post so I wanted to do something special, alas, here's an application! I've been informed that I occasionally take a joke to far but I'm learning, getting better at judging people's resistance by the day :dumb:. I like to get involved in interesting discussions when possible and I have a few topic ideas myself that I will put to use in the near future. I am currently in my exam period for GCSEs but I only have 8 exams left and finish school completely on the 14th of June, so after that, I'm all yours! ;) I should be able to still play a fair amount up to that date as I have many days off when I don't have exam. After Blur died I decided to wait a month or so before applying to IceOps, a very short process, was accepted within a couple of days as a trial. I had a few weeks of playing their servers until my exam period came along, I became extremely inactive on their servers simply because I didn't have the time to play. I'd made a decision to focus on revision and school work since these exams are fairly important. As I'm sure you know, IceOps and I had a bit of a fall-out which lead to my intentional demotion. Which I admit now was a stupid, pathetic thing to do but heyho, it happened. Apologies to any IceOps members who got caught in the crossfire. Anyways, derailed a bit there! All in all, I've had well over 6 months moderating/admin experience and for the most part, people say I've managed to a pretty good job. Onto non experience related things; I would say I'm a very active player on your servers. Having only been properly playing Raid for a month or so I have over 60 hours played on the Deathrun server alone. I'm not entirely sure about how many hours I have on CodJumper or Combined Operations but I'd like to think it all adds up to nearly 100 hours. I'm very chatty in-game and like to get involved with a good convocation! There are many people I have become friends with within the Raid community and I'm hoping to continue making even more. What skills do you have?: Well, I'm not sure if you can count my mapping as a 'skill' :dumb: But I do know a fair amount of gsc and I know my way around CoD4 Radiant! I've yet to decide whether I will make another map for Deathrun, we'll see! Along side the mapping, I'm currently working on improving my Python skills. I'm still in the very early stages of learning the basics but since next year I'll be taking on a full blown Computer Science course at college/sixth form I can expect to improve upon my skills significantly. Not entirely sure if it's a considered a skill, but knowing what to do in a poor situation. I used to have a job working with mentally disabled 5-7 year olds by keeping them entertained and happy for a day, as you can imagine this is a difficult job. There were many, many situations where I thought "Oh shit! What am I going to do to sort this out?!" but everytime I managed to sort something out. As I'm sure you know, working with people in the Deathrun community isn't all that different to working with 5-7 year olds :troll: Although this isn't too relevant, I'd say I'm pretty academic. Currently sitting my GCSEs and I'm predicted all A*/A and a couple of Bs. Future plans in college include Maths, Physics, Computer Science and English. What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: Blur, IceOps. Why should we choose you?: As I've said before, I'm very experienced with Call of Duty 4. I like to think I know what to do in a difficult situation to solve whatever problem I may face as I have done in the past with Blur. Although I may have let IceOps down I feel like I can redeem myself and prove to you that I can, in fact, be a good admin. I'm friendly on the server and abide to the rules, however I admin I do have 'off-days', but in that situation I try to avoid contact with life :dave: I may only be 16 years old but I'm pretty mature for my age. Besides, if you ever need a hitman for Gabe then I'm your man, I'll catch him as he's walking to school :troll:. In all seriousness, I was planning on waiting until summer to make this post but since I'm only 8 exams away I thought I may as well do it now - as a celebration of 200 posts! Pretty sure I've said everything I need to in the earlier paragraphs and now I'm just repeating myself; I'll stop here :okay:. Sorry for this becoming such an essay, I guess I got a bit carried away! If you've managed to stick with me all the way through then congratulations! Have a cookie c: If this is a little too long just say and I'll provide some tl;dr summaries for each section :3 1138 words isn't too bad eh?
  9. Yeah well.. I forgot to put '||' :dumb: silly me
  10. lol ... Yes, that is mine. I'm not laughing :no:
  11. Yeah sorry about that....EDIT: Why did you even copy that? :dumb:
  12. connect
  13. Respect that you can own up to that, +1. Anyways, I hope you can see/understand my side of the story instead of going by what you've seen on the IceOps forums
  14. Right, well. Some of you may know Sox, some of you may know Seyfullah. Seyfullah who keeps evading bans was banned by Sox something ridiculous like 10 times in an hour, for someone like this there's no need for a reason for a ban or a report, therefore Sox was just spamming random words as the reason for his bans/kicks. One of these was "Jew", IceOps kicked up a massive fuss and, I quote, one of them said it shows "hate for entire Jewish community" or something to that effect. I found a demotion for this reason completely uneeded and stupid so kicked up a fuss saying they should give him a warning and let him continue. IceOps had already made their mind up and the ban remained, since I didn't want to be a part of a community that would do things like this I went into their server, contacted Sox via Skype and asked for me to be able to kick him. He said it was okay so I kicked Sox with the reason "Muslim", intending to be demoted the same way as him. Even after that I didn't get demoted so I had to PM Ninja asking why I hadn't been demoted and that I should've been; he then complied and demoted me. Now then, since QueNNch is refusing to talk to me about it and is going by what others think (no first hand knowledge), I think it's fair to say his opinion is invalid. If you think that at anytime at all during this I was racist then please, do say so. As for Lossy/Darmuh/Thomas, if you believe I was racist then go ahead, deny me. I still stick by my actions.
  15. Please Quennch, learn to read sometime.
  16. Quennch, you probably don't even know half of what happened, just going by what others said. If you bothered to read my app I addressed that, I suggest you give the real details. Racism... :dumb: Long story short, I PMd Ninja basically asking for him to demote me as I didn't agree with my friend's demotion. "Kicked outta" - nope. "Racist comments" - nope. I'll go into detail if you want me to.
  17. Recently I've been playing at odd times, while you're at school I'm normally at home on study leave so I spend my morning playing and then I tend to go out in the evening or something and occasionally start up again around 10pm - 1am
  18. Don't go back to all the ddosing/copying, just start fresh. I agree with FearZ though, but your best action from here is just to leave it. The majority of people here will not accept your apology so by trying to continue is a waste of time. I'd say you should just leave the forums and try to not contact Raid or any of the players in the near future, let this die down a bit.
  19. Thanks everyone! And yes I am, I'm a brit feg :dave:
  20. I'll do a tl;dr tomorrow, on my phone now which would take ages :p thanks!
  21. Waddup Powers! Fellow blurian
  22. :facepalm:
  23. Just joined under a random name and started calling him things like a no-lifer and sad etc, happy to say he reacted pretty much perfectly :p Just told me to stop and then ignored me after that! Wanted to test what ya'll were saying, looks like he has turned a corner :dave:
  24. You just had your 400th post Gabe :3 +1
  25. I was thinking there could be a rank for the CJ server called 'Helper' or something along those lines. These people would be selected purely by skill/maturity and they could be allowed to teleport to places to help people out if they're stuck (via demonstration), or something to that effect. There could be a specific map that these people need to complete (maybe in a short amount of time) in order to qualify for this rank, as a requirement. If they meet this requirement they could apply here and you lot could decide whether or not you want them to be a 'helper'. Just a random thought that came to mind as I see a lot of people asking for help with something when no one can unless they're on the same bounce.