
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Sentrex

  1. Just make sure it's via the Internet, don't telepathically visit us :dave:
  2. The original code was in one line, he tried to 'space it out' and got a bad syntax. - incase you still don't understand
  3. Hey JFastt, long time no see! Welcome to the Raid forums c:
  4. Ah, even better! Brill
  5. Someone also needs to teach you to use a normal font size
  6. most people..
  7. He's in the process of making one atm
  8. Omg yes Cat! StarWars BattleFront II was so good on ps2! Possibly my favourite game ever! Also I used to play some Lord of the Rings game, can't remember the actual name but I keened that out as a kid :dave:
  9. Loving it! Keep it up mayyn
  10. How is mine not right :( it makes so much sense!
  11. I know #2 and it's more of a pun/joke. Not gonna say so I don't ruin it for others.
  12. The Hunger Games of Indians...
  13. Fearz 4 admin or we riot
  14. Probably made up a story so he could find out how to give himself xp
  15. No idea, apparently it's cool something
  16. Greetings [K4z0r], :dumb:
  17. Yaay! My next month consists of 24 exams :( only 2 days when I don't have an exam :/ (excluding weekends and half term)
  18. Great, do it on the week my exams start -.- (jk)
  19. Wait, before you say.. Lossy & Darmuh say what you think :')