
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Sentrex

  1. I read as black and was like, great good for you buddy but nvm so welcome back
  2. That's actually a very good idea, and very easy to do (I believe).IF mapname = this THEN SetdvarRounds to this
  3. Not remove, maybe add a cap on them. Like you can only play it once every two hours or something?
  4. Seems mature and knowledgeable, I think he'd make a nice addition personally.
  5. If you still have no solution I've made a quick function to do it for you (gsc). It just goes; toDecimalPlace(0.2397420934, 4); >>>0.2397 Unfortunately I haven't done the rounding aspect of it yet, but feel free leave a reply if you would like it.
  6. Updated to the post, thanks for the suggestion
  7. That's because you have a Personal Message, if you get a notification then it is red. I believe this is done to make it easier to distinguish between notifications and PMs,
  8. Aw, I was hoping for a Far Cry 3 style mission :( Still, nice work!
  9. Typical keyboard of anyone who plays computer games*
  10. Thanks everybody, There is still some work to do in terms of bugs I've found myself but once I get it to a stage where I see it as stable I will contact some people about Beta testing. This will likely be next week as I'm fairly busy at the moment.
  11. I'll wait to see if anyone has a proper answer If not I know a way using arrays and loops
  12. Have something coming for ya'll in a bit :ph34r:

  13. Isn't it that one of them is alkaline and one is acidic so it neutralises it or something? Idk I haven't taken a chemistry class in a while
  14. tl;dr it's about skill not time
  15. It reminds me of Blur all over again. Player --> Moderator --> Server Admin --> Admin, all in a short space of time! Well done West, I'm sure you'll be brilliant!
  16. The wonders of tkinter.
  17. good lucky buddy
  18. Is this meant to be funny?
  19. I think abilities would be so much better. Like the ability to double jump once per game or things like that. And they should be fairly difficult to obtain and only last a certain amount of time. Like you unlock an ability for a week and after that it expires and you need to get it again. Idk, I'm drunk.
  20. Ugh Visual Studio still isn't installing for me, this is such a pain in the ass.

    1. Lossy


      takes forever to install

    2. Sentrex


      I've installed/uninstalled/repaired it about 4 times since yesterday. Never runs afterwords.

  21. Okie dokie, that's good :)
  22. May I ask your method of selecting a winner once everyone has bought their 'ticket'? Is it just a random generator or something?
  23. i should really play more
  24. Can't disable a single effect for one person, and allowing them to disable all effects has too many loopholes.