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Posts posted by Triton

  1. * Bump * While doing the strangers and freaks missions, i noticed a strangely British character :3



    Oh yeah, and this also, Yeah. choo choo motherfucker


    Are me & @Bear The only one's who play dis game? :/


  2. Let's stop derailing this topic please ladies. Thank you. (Sentrex i'll leave you to decide if you wanna lock it, since i dont what you have been doing with this map recently)


  3. In my opinion shipment at night time would look pretty cool, like a dark ish, kind of destroyed shipment, fires everywhere, containers have corroded, grass have manifested itself to everything? Like it's been left for pure centuries and people have forgotten about it

    Idunno it seemed pretty cool in my head


  4. Well, the map itself isn't actually too bad, but the fact that you made it possible for a player to gain over 100K experience in one map play is just too much for my liking. 


    I am aware that i can remove these scripts to make it so that you don't get XP, but then this would render the secrets and such as useless.

    Could modify the secrets to make them do something else, like give you a gun maybe or something around that general area


  5. You wanted some feedback, so here you go (Key: [G] = Good | [N] = Not Bad | = Suggestion  )


    [G] The gameplay was pretty fun, especially the elevator scene felt like a MI5 mission

    [G] The animations on the meeting scene, we're pretty good (Eventhough it was the scene from campaign hue)


    [N] The voice acting wasn't bad, would of been better if you requested more people to more voice acting, because some people on these forums have done previous voice acting before, Staab&iMtroll did some voice acting in a WAW zombies map and it did seem pretty professional

    [N] Length of the campaign, i know it's a demo but would of been better if you did more to it, cause it didn't feel like it lasted long enough IMO


    Maybe make it a little more stealthy, since when i think of MI5 i think of stealthy environments etc

    And obviously maybe make it a little bit longer, since it would be pretty cool if it was longer heh
