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Posts posted by Triton

  1. Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lmao it's yo birthday BUDDY!


    Happy birthday y Boy <3, [ you're also 2nd most online aswell, so yeah ]



  2. Hey Guys,


    I would like to suggest a competition on the CSGO Surf server, where every month we host a competition where for an hour everyone try's to get the fastest time on one or more maps and at the end the winner will be rewarded with a game or something, i am happy to donate a game every so often for this competition.


    If you believe this to be a good idea or have suggestions for changes please don't hesitate to comment

    This sounds like a good idea, thanks for the suggestion @vaughanhub


  3. Lossy, the commands don't work on the server! Nothing happens when I type it in to both console and game.

    Yeah B3 Is just not enabled on that server yet, whenever that happens just message the CM's or Lossy on steam and they should get it sorted for you :')


  4. Hello @zigzagfira.

    The plugin that you are asking for was made by @Lossy and will not be released to the public. I don't believe that the plugin is released publicly however, if you are going to find it then someone else has probably made it and will probably suck, since lossy's work is the best <3 (Joking ofcourse)


    Apologies for this, but we aren't releasing the plugin publicly, you'll have to look elsewhere

    (If anyone has a link for him, hit him up)


  5. Hello all, before me and @Caspa were having an intriguing story in shoutbox about SPI's lost shouts, it was rather interesting, you should try and up your creative game, me and caspa have both good efforts, but i imagine people have amazingly creative minds


    Caspa: It seems rather obvious to me that your shouts were lost on a trawler in the indian ocean.. A man name Sang Lee was on board the trawler eating a tuna and ham sandwich while watching the waves settle upon the hananóa beach. Sang Lee was holding your shouts when a large purple killer whale sprang from the water and clutched all the shouts, an orange glistening jellyfish then appeared and stung the killer whale in the side. this caused a wound on the side of the whale, which allowed the shouts to fall out. A man name Ziu peong was out fishing when he happened to grab the shouts with his hook, he then walked back to the centre of the city where he sold the shouts to a wise old prophet name Tom. Tom was feasting upon some guava jelly at the time, when the shouts slipped from his right palm into the jelly. He then proceeded to swallow the rest of the jelly with the shouts inside and to this day, the shouts are still in his lower intestines.


    Triton: Deep in the forest of dreams, lies SPI's lost shouts, just lying there on the floor. Nobody to help them, they are just innocently lying there waiting for help, but it shall never arrive... UNTIL. a wild Caspa appears from the covers, he hands the shouts an arm and says "Come with me brother" the shouts then put a good arm around the helpful Irishman and the shouts limp towards the nearby river. When suddenly! a wild JR-iMtroll appears from the shadows, shouting "AHA, your shouts are worthless" and he runs into the shouts and wrestles them to the floor, a struggle engages but JR-iMtroll becomes victorious. Leaving the shouts lying on the floor feeling helpless again, Caspa is beyond shocked at what just happened. Caspa tries to help them, but it's too late... the shouts died moments after.


    Can you up our game about SPI's lost shouts?

    Good. Luck. Anti.


  6. Yes: Kill someone to save a life | No:Sacrifice myself to save a life?


    Then Yes, i ain't dying anytime soon :')


    Would you take a selfie with a lion OR be forced to stare at obama videos for 5 hours

    Yes == Selfie, No = Obama :>
