Hyper :D

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Posts posted by Hyper :D

  1. Im glad people are really talking about this and making ideas. Contra that idea is good... but we don't really want everyone being max lvl on there first day of raid. After all isn't the whole point of deathrun to have fun, play with friends, and rankup to unlock new weapons, sprays etc. Also i don't really mean to have vip super op i just want a variety of stuff to play around with and have fun :D. Also i can't wait for the new update lossy the server is great as it is i can't wait to see how it's going to be after the new update :D...... i read over this after i typed it and i don't mean to sound like an admin or a community manager or something i know i'm not but i just figured i would say what i felt :D


  2. Guys i have been thinking and i really want to see what we can really do with cool stuff in the vip menu. Im thinking about more guns, deagles/designs, and maybe even perks. I think this will encourage more ppl to donate and help out the server and it will also make it more enjoyable for the current donators of the server :D. leave your ideas below.
