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Everything posted by Dada.

  1. Been so long since I've played. Miss you all

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tinman
    3. QueNNch


      Old player. He played in the early days of raid as far as I can remember.

    4. Tinman


      I know very well who he is xD but ty anyway :D

  2. I have come back from a great journey, that being my pc not being set up and being too lazy to set it up again, therefore ending up playing PS4 for 3 months. k

    1. ~Budzy~
    2. Cloudy


      PS4, ew. PC MASTER RACE :3

    3. Dada.


      I agree cledi...but laziness trumps all I'm afraid. Love you too Staab <3

  3. Got mine from a YouTuber named "Dada9x9". I actually had that as my name for quite a long time, before eventually changing it to just Dada. So that's how everyone knows me now :> I often change names though, you'd know if you happened to alias me lol
  4. I primarily play on the Fun server and am on a lot. As everyone knows it is full of hackers and it's almost guaranteed to have a few a day. It seems as though I'm always the one to get help from an admin but often times they have already left of turned off hacks etc. My question is what is the fastest way to get ahold of an admin quickly? I know if I record evidence I can make a ticket, but often times I don't think about recording or something. Any reply would be great, thanks. - Dada.
  5. Deathrun skills slowly fading away....

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Anti


      Worst thing is that tried to ban my teacher, ended up getting temp banned ;-; Must have hacked b3

    3. Lossy


      I tried to execute a book to update the vip list, safe to say i got kicked out the library with the broken book when it didn't want to execute because of certain permission issues

    4. jwofles


      this post is like