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Posts posted by QueNNch

  1. Shit post :<


    Here's a guide I wrote, may help simple noobs:

    How to strafe & everything you need to know:


    [long tutorial]


    That's good. Many people on raid dr ask this question. Maybe there could be a link like "strafe.raid-gaming.net" or "raid-gaming.net/howtostrafe" which is redirected to this post, and can be 'advertised' using b3 bot such as, "Not sure how to strafe? Get some advice at [shortcut link here]" ? :P


  2. Welcome to the forum !


    About going to high school, I'd say there's nothing to be scary about it... even if you 'fake' that you are confident, you won't get into any trouble. It's best to ignore the scumbags.

    My advice is don't go for the distractions and study hard, because high school are the last years of school where your achievements really matter and are really counted in professional life and in getting into university. You know there's so much competition outside. Secure your future with good grades and then you can enjoy as much as you want ;)


    This was probably boring for most people but it's my way to look at it.


  3. in the uk it's 17 btw quennch XD 17 to drive a car or a motorcycle 18 to drive a medium-sized vehicle (for example, a vehicle between 3500kg and 7500kg with a trailer up to 750kg) and 21 to drive a large lorry or a bus as for me i dont have a car, dont want nothing super either XD just an average car.

    Rly? XD

    I heard its 18... Well I'm new here anyway :P

    Quennch, If Stephen Hawking is at Cambridge, then you better be smart, very smart.

    Not smart, clever* :Dave:

    And yeah I know that's why I already said its hard. I want to do engineering.


  4. I'd fuck a grandma if I wanted to > :)


    Immature with curiosity.. 


    Trust me, most probably you'll be bored of this shit by the time you turn 20...

    I'm 17 and already bored of it  :ph34r:


  5. @TOPIC


    I don't have a story of personal experience, but recently heard news about a learning-disabled 15-year-old was threatened with felony wiretapping charges for using his school-approved iPad to record being bullied by other students...

    It's just too harsh. You might have already heard this news, it got viral online.
    EDIT: His father uploaded a video about it too 
