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Posts posted by QueNNch

  1. Well it was your mistake to lose your keycode/level stats though. Consider it good that admins at least respond to you compared to most servers where they won't care about your level. Thomas set you on level 30 already, and well you know everybody has a life and they are obviously not here as your 'customer service' as you think.


    You are just over reacting, making a big deal out of just your level on deathrun. I understand its hard work but deathrun is not all about the level. 




  2. Thanks for the map Sentrex :)


    Start of the map looks good, but (sorry,) I don't find the map inside very unique/appealing.

    I may be wrong though, because looking at it alone, and actually playing with ~10 people on a server is a different gameplay experience!


  3. His reaction in Teamspeak was too good. "I SWEAR YOU HAVE WALLHACKS MAN, NO WAY CAN YOU SEE ME"


    Oh and by the way, the score was 11 - 6. Not 7 - 5.


    Someone doesn't know how promod works...  :ph34r:


    Your demo crashed after 7-5.


  4. But iMtroll's point is that Gabe is very bad at promod and he made it look like the demo was so worth watching, which it wasn't at all..

    He went like "HE SO BED AT PROMOD, LELEL....." not even worth it :dumb:

    Why would he even make a topic on that anyway :ph34r:


  5. Dem feels of being bullied from iMtroll for loosing a promod game :okay:

    You didn't even lose that bad... you won 5 rounds and he won 7... -,-

    It could've made sense if he would've won at least double the rounds as you :/


  6. It will because museums will want to buy it :dave:

    Good thing i still have my working N64, dream cast, PS1 & PS2 :awesome:

    STILL WORKING N64? Mine's not but I have really good game cassettes :(

    I swear to god N64 was the best console ever :happycry:
