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Posts posted by QueNNch

  1. I didn't clean my desktop, in my folders are more folders also and the fact i use two monitors and one of them is 1024x768(square) so everything looks cluster fuck on it :P


    How does it feel when you have 2 monitors joined into one display for gaming? Doesn't that bezel between two monitors annoy?


  2. Yeah, plz make it OS(oldschool) + Non OS with the ability to switch between them either using a menu or a bind... Many players now prefer OS, easier and less frustrating, plus some good maps are made playable OS-only, for example mp_unbelievable.


    Also, I suggest you to definitely make a mapvote menu, so EACH player is allowed to start a mapvote ONCE per map. Also consider adding the option to vote to extend map time, it is very crucial :P


    Second, make RPGs silent, or make them sound like the silencer pistols.


    Third, add the sexiest rpg, deagle and gloves skins !


    Fourth, plz try to make the iprintinbold style/animation different, so every time it is announced that someone completed a map it looks good. Definitely add public welcome messages and admin welcome message.


    Fifth, add grav gun but make it usable for some amount of bullets/seconds, not unlimited.



    It's a good idea to try out a cj server but it's a bit of work you need to put in before it attracts people  :ph34r:


  3. I would like customizable hands in the characters menu :D

    Lossy plz do it

    Also agree with the permanently saving FOV, but maybe it won't be so easy :s

    P.S. @JR I can't access that openwarfaremod link, plz copy and paste its content here or find another way, because many of us won't have an admin activated account..


  4. please take out indipyramid because it is really buggy.

    Disagree. Gabe I you should think from the regular player's point of view, not just state your personal likes/dislikes :P

    That map is a classic hit. And I think the rotation is pretty good except destroyedv3, clear, darkness, dungeon and glass3 are the maps I think, are the least preferred ones in voting.


  5. I was also thinking of another fun server, just like Raid Highjump one but with only RPGs with unlimited ammo. That would be really fun imo...

    Or maybe even not unlimited ammo but player can only have 2 RPG rockets (as default) and then he has to knife in order to get further kills until he dies, and then respawns with 2 rockets again :D

    Sorry @GrapesFTW, but zombies mod servers are not what I have ever actually enjoyed.
