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Posts posted by QueNNch

  1. Works on: iOS 5, iOS 6, iOS 7(+7.1)


    (It's my first tweak, :okay:)


    AdvancedAlert is a tweak that changes the default alerts to more advanced ones. 


    Don't you hate it, when you have your phone on Airplane Mode and you forgot to disable it? I do.


    So every time I open an app, it shows a damn alert which says: "You don't have an internet connection". 


    This tweak shows automaticly some options to disable airplane mode, or enable wifi!


    Well, this tweak changes the default alerts to this: 




    Awesome, uh?



    This tweak has no options to configure. But there is a preferencebundle to find some more information.


    Download: -- 


    PS: If someone wants to make a nice icon for it, (29x29) do it! :D


    Woah nice man, it's a tweak good to have ;)


  2. It's much bigger and farrier than MacBook Air, do you even :dumb:

    Not even a true ultrabook braxi...



    I know you're just trolling and I'm not gonna take this talk further...

    But Mac multitasking gestures, their smoothness, their 'quality' feel is so good you fall in love with it the first day :happycry:

    My opinions are all completely unbiased :)




    The reason MBA's have so much battery life is because the components in there are so weak and require such little power. But I agree, I do LOVE macbook keyboards and tracpads, except THERE ISN'T A RIGHT CLICK. >_< Have to push down that stupid option key just to right click. :omfgwtfbbq:



    Lol components WEAK!? Kidding me bro?? Flash storage, and great specs (see my macbook air post)

    On MacBook you just tap with two fingers instead of one to right click ;)

    Three fingers to drag, four fingers swipe up for multitasking, four finger swipe left/right to quick switch apps, five fingers pinch for all apps springboard... and many more :D

    All gestures, animations and applications very smooth, even with a lot of load.




  4. :facepalm:  I'd like to see a custom mac OSX run BF4, BF3, CoD4, Supreme Commander, Origin, Steam, Xfire, iTunes, Minecraft, teamspeak, and a minecraft server all at the same time and have next to NO performance issues. 


    I told you its not for games :omfgwtfbbq:


    Put OSX and Windows on the exact same specs, open loads of heavy officework, busy browser tabs and stuff downloading/syncing continuously... Mac is better here JUST TRUST ME, don't just say because you've used Macs, windows here just makes programs stop responding and starts dem lags...

      And stop with those facepalms :/


    In the end I don't like Mac OS for gaming obviously. It's a work beast.

    I'm not on any one side. Please don't start the Mac/Windows fight. Linux is even better but needs more attention.


    P.S. It's a MacBook Air anyway so that's even better ^^ try using a 2014 MacBook Air and feel how comfortable and portable it is, yet powerful ;)

    You’ll hardly find a better keyboard and trackpad than the ones on the MBA. Compare with any similar ultrabook. It also has great battery life. It is actually cheaper than most premium ultrabooks these days, look up yourself.


    EDIT: Found this independent review where they compare Win 8.1 and Mavericks on ease of use, features, manageability, security, etc.



  5. Use hacks only when playing alone or with bots, don't ruin the game when other real players are playing. If that fish guy banned you, he was also one of those who were playing the game.

    Please don't ask for an unban now, and being just a new guy out of the blue you are, they can't trust you, that you still would cheat or not.

    I do appreciate that you admit it, but if they simply unbanned you or made it a tempban, any other player will just hack and then ask for reduction/unban like this...

    It's their decision anyway.

    P.S. Use the ticket system or people like me can jump in :p


  6. Gabe, shush. CPU's aren't always about clock speed, and RAM isn't all about how much you have. BraXi, I think the build is quite good, and it sounds like you're on a budget as well. It's also very upgradable, if he prefers he can upgrade the ram, and who needs a 750 Ti, when you can use a 650 Ti that does the same job? That'd be my only recommendation, the 750 Ti is unnecessary. 


    And Gabe... :facepalm: Most store-bought computers run at around 2.4 GHz, they will suffice for what they plan to do with it. Also, 99% of laptop processors max out at around 2.4, at the very BEST, which is very rare. For power saving and heat, laptops don't go much higher, and yet you see plenty of laptops that can run high-end games.


    Also, my friend has a Core 2 Duo, 8GB of RAM, and an HD 6000 series from his store-bought PC, and it's actually quite a beast of a PC besides the GPU.


    Couldn't agree more^^


  7. Why not get the super SLI-GTX 750M, Lenovo Laptop? It's the same price, and a couple people at my school have it, it's actually a BEAST of a laptop. 


    Naw m8, it was for my Dad, he's got work and he carries a laptop with him every time. MacBook Air is ultra light, trust me. And it's got to be Mac OS, he needs a stable machine which won't fail in things or crash ever.

    Also handle multiple tasks because he keeps open ~20 tabs in google chrome and firefox each, and still runs 10-15 sessions of different ms office products smoothly. Trust me, Mac are just made for hard-core multitasking. Just trust me on this.


    He had been buying beast laptops (on windows) before and he told me that none of them could outperform mac os. 


  8. So this little guy just arrived at home today ^_^


    MacBook Air 2014


    11.6-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit glossy widescreen display

    256GB PCIe-based flash storage

    1.4GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 (Turbo Boost up to 2.7GHz)

    4GB @1600MHz

    720p HD camera

    Stereo speakers

    Dual microphones

    Full-size backlit keyboard

    OS X Mavericks

    9 hour battery life

    And as my 2011 one, it's ULTRA lightweight and Attractive :wub:
