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Posts posted by ~Budzy~

  1. Are you thinking of the type of 'folk' eg Western style music or w/e? When I hear traditional I think of the stuff my mum listens to , grime, jungle, drum and bass and dubstep, but the OLD 1980's stuff, I love some of the tracks she listens too 


  2. While having more than 1 activator is funny, replaying the same maps is a hell no from me, I, and many other people get bored of a map after 5 rounds or so, I hate to sit through another 11 rounds of it, when the server bugs and restarts the map, everyone gets pissed off because they simply don't want to play the same map again.


  3. Also 3. Being a nerd is good, simply for the fact that nerds will get the most out of life, and to everyone that makes fun of them, i don't like pickles on my burgers. 



    I said that, to lower him a bit (to not be the bad boy on the internet)



    you're also trying to insult him by calling him gay, on the internet. 


  4. You can use the script I mentioned for things like that, I used it in a map were the player had to bounce over a gap, you just make a trigger multiple and give it a targetname and add the scripts that I gave, I mean, It works fine for me and just change the strength to what you like, It's better than pads with origins tbh 




    ^ simple as that 


    if that was what you meant as i didn't really understand it 


  5. What you've posted is a bounce, done the same way as in my mod, but with exception that your code can let people glitch health, screen becomes red and strength is hardcoded so please don't post something that's worse in every aspect if a function that does the thing right is in mod.

    All God wanted to know is how to control bounce power, that's it, no need to spam with more codes.


    I'm sorry, I didn't know :okay: 


  6. Heres a bounce pad script from waterworld, it works for me but, I don't know if it's what you're looking for? 

    	oldpos = who.origin;
    	strenght = 3;
    	    who.health += 170;
            who finishPlayerDamage(who, level.jumpattacker, 170, 0, "MOD_FALLING", "jump_mp", who.origin, AnglesToForward((-90,0,0)), "none", 0);

    And the trigger for it

    	trigger = getEnt ( "pad1", "targetname" );
    		trigger waittill ( "trigger", who );
    		thread Bouncer(who);

  7. Actually I went to see them live in 1986 :)  but my son and I did play those metal classics on GH3 or was it GH4? :)


    Guitar Hero 3 Legends Of Rock;)


    Gh4 was world tour and was pretty much pop songs and some other meh ones, I preferred 3 over 4 and 5 but loved Warriors of rock 


  8. ACDC - back in black or thunderstuck or hells bells


    Iron Maiden - number of the beast or hallowed be thy name.


    I also DJ a new years party every year so I like club music, pop, trance etc.... too


    Not into rap but I like some songs from Eminem and a couple others that I tolerate B)


    Guitar Hero 3 :wub:


    If I was to say rock/metal songs I have 2.


