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Posts posted by ~Budzy~

  1. 1. Traps. They seem ok, all I saw was simple not solid traps and move scripts, I saw nothing original at all.


    2. Background, like seriously? just a blank skybox, you could have added things like mountains with trees on so you couldn't see out of the map and to make the map that little bit better.


    3. Flow, I tried to play the map how I normally play, it didn't really work, the flow felt, quite bad.


    4. Helicopters, was there any reason to use that many helicopters? You could have made it so the jumper gets in, and as the jumper is travelling, the activator can shoot the jumpers as a sort of trap.


    5. Rooms, bounce room isn't very good, Sniper room is rushed, and I didn't look at the other rooms. 


    6. Optimization. Don't say to me that I have a shitty pc, getting 1k on every map doesn't lie :troll: but anyway, I could barley pull 400 on this, so I'm not sure how other people will suffer from this.


    7. Smoke, that fx isn't very good, you could have made your own better one than using a stock one. 


    5/10 For Design


    4/10 For Traps


    5/10 For Flow.


    Overall, 5/10.


    Cmon man, I know you can do better! To me it just seemed like you wanted to release the map as fast as you can.


    I'm not saying that my map has the best of shit, it's buggy as hell. why? Because I rushed it, this map has loads and loads of potential but I just don't know if you're willing to make it happen. 


    May have missed somethings, will re edit if I remember


  2. If this mod was to be made, I think I would spend a lot. of time on it, back on xbox in the days, I used to play MM all the time with old school friends, it was the most funniest thing on cod4 on xbox, when we used to climb up the stars on bloc, just use something like braxi's activator system, mike gets frozen for about 40 seconds, the jumpers have their knifes disabled and guns have no ammo, ofc when the last jumper is alive, their knife becomes working and then they must hunt down mike, I would love this, idk if Zack remembers but we were going to do this a long time ago but never did, anyway, if anyone does decide to make it, i wish good luck to you!;) 


  3. Erhm, nice... I guess... GG on putting else after a while() loop. :dumb:

    This is (in my opinion) a way too specific script, should've given him a general script like I did which he could easily implement.





    I never said I made the script, It was already like that...




  4. I think that's the one I put in twist Staab. It does work, and is better then what Imagine put im my opinion. Just don't test it in devmap, because in devmap it doesn't register your GUID. But imagine's is just shorter, still works the same.


    It was the one from twist :> 





    creator_trig = getEnt("guidsecret", "targetname");

    org = getEnt("origin_creators", "targetname");

    level.accepted1 = "GUID GOES HERE"; //Player Name To Remind You

    level.accepted2 = "For Another Person"; //Player Name To Remind You

    while (1)


    creator_trig waittill( "trigger", player );

    tempGuid = player getGUID();

    if(player isTouching(creator_trig) && player useButtonPressed())


    if((tempGuid == level.accepted1) || (tempGuid == level.accepted2))


    player setOrigin( org.origin );

    player setPlayerAngles( org.origin );





    wait 0.5;

    player iPrintlnBold("Text Here Displayed To People Who Don't Have Permission");





  6. YES YOU MUST THREAD THE MUSIC SCRIPT BOSNIAN, as it isn't in the main function 


    This was what I wrote, follow this way, yes i added the part about the iwd


    Ok, So I'll write it out, Here's the method I use. 


    First: get your mp3, and name it something short but so you can remind yourself of what the song is, E.g song is dubstep? name it dub


    Second: get your MP3 and place it in cod4 > Raw > Sound > Music (if you don't have a music folder make one)





    Third: Go into your Raw > Soundalias Folder and get any csv and copy and paste it into the sound alias folder and name it to what your song is called Eg: dub.csv, Then, Open it up and put this code in it:

    name,sequence,file,vol_min,vol_max,vol_mod,pitch_min,pitch_max,dist_min,dist_max​,channel,type,probability,loop,masterslave,loadspec,subtitle,compression,seconda​ryaliasname,volumefalloffcurve,startdelay,speakermap,reverb,lfe percentage,center percentage,platform,envelop_min,envelop_max,envelop percentage


    Third Add this to your update zone file in compile tools: 




    The only music script I have is a random music script, so you might be able to change it to your liking



    wait 10;
    random = randomint (3);
    switch (random)
    case 0: Ambientplay("who");
    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Iniquity ^1- ^7Who I Am");
    wait 1.0;
    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Iniquity ^1- ^7Who I am");
    wait 1.0;
    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Iniquity ^1- ^7Who I Am");
    case 1: Ambientplay("happy");
    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Kid Cudi ^1- ^7Pursuit Of Happnies (Steve Aoki Dance Remix)");
    wait 1.0;
    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Kid Cudi ^1- ^7Pursuit Of Happnies (Steve Aoki Dance Remix)");
    wait 1.0;
    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Kid Cudi ^1- ^7Pursuit Of Happnies (Steve Aoki Dance Remix)");
    case 2: Ambientplay("fair");
    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Gramatik ^1- ^7While I Was Playin Fair");
    wait 1.0;
    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Gramatik ^1- ^7While I Was Playin Fair");
    wait 1.0;
    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Gramatik ^1- ^7While I Was Playin' Fair");




    Just remember to change everything that has DUB to what ever your song is called. Should work. if it doesn't, reply back 


    Then make an iwd named your map mp_dr_mapname.iwd make a sound folder, then a music folder inside that and put your song in there, but making sure its still in the music folder inside raw then put the iwd in the MOD THAT YOU TEST THE MAP WITH  


    ^thats what I missed out when I was helping before, if it doesn't work, idk why


    also, there was 1 thing wrong with this script, there was a mistake raindomint use this

            wait 10;
            random = randomint (1);
            switch (random)
                    case 0: Ambientplay("airplanes");
                                    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 B.O.B - Airplanes feat Hayley Williams - Feint DnB remix");
                                    wait 1.0;
                                    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 B.O.B - Airplanes feat Hayley Williams - Feint DnB remix");
                                    wait 1.0;
                                    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 B.O.B - Airplanes feat Hayley Williams - Feint DnB remix");