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Posts posted by ~Budzy~

  1. You do know people are still going to give free. It's not just YOUR choice if someone wants to give free. If someone doesn't want to play the game right let them. If they don't want to kill any jumpers then get clusterfucked at the end of a map in old then cry about it. let them. You writing this won't change anything. and I hope you know that. also, it's the JUMPERS choice what room they want to go in, not the activator. the activator isn't doing the map. the jumper is. jumper gets all say, let the acti cry about him not getting the room he wanted, it's his fault for not activating. Then, he might just learn? 


  2. *bump*. :3

    When I first played deathrun my name was my old YouTube channel (sixslicerfx) not sure how I got that name, but anyways. There was a clan that was formed inside of IceOps deathrun, that name being |HxC|. I was a fan boy of that clan because I thought they were good (If I went against them now I'm sure I'd shit on them :dumb: but anyway, I changed my name to |HxC| Staab. But after 10 minutes I didn't like it. So I changed to just Staab. And the name just stuck, had it for about 1 1/2 years. And have never changed it, the 2a's come from Stab looking like shite. So sorta like Headdy :> so that's pretty much my short story, 1v1 rust


  3. Completely reformatted his script and fixed about 4 errors yesterday at least he's trying eh, you're seriously getting a lot better at this staab!

    After you did it the map worked fine, apart from one bad token that was this 

    wait 25;`

    It had this ` after removing it everything worked fine,


    Ps, I had wofles says that 1 trap is too hard, pls. it's deathrun, it's meant to be hard :>  


  4. Hopefully The final product will have 0 traps and 12 endrooms  :troll:

    If that was meant to be a joke, It was awful, You really think I'm going to make a map with 0 traps? You must be an idiot just to think because I've made a few shit maps in the past, that I would do that. you make a map and I would love to play it. 


    K thx. 


  5. Better watch out staab. That vid might get a copyright strike :troll:

    I got one :okay: 



    Will be a pretty nice map once you sort out the lighting

    Re doing all the lighting


    Map looks interesting, gj. If you want I can help you with the mapping part to fill the empty places in your map lol.

    Might take you up on that:D 
