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Posts posted by ~Budzy~

  1. then you should know better man... Ddosing is a childish act that kids do to get their own way... I've been ddoses so many times I've lost count by pathetic kids who think that they're god because they have some shitty booter... 


  2. 2deabfafaf554efd305ff62a6cad0eb6.png  1c694a1d28fd90c4c55e5c8328e91c79.png



    While I am not staff of raid, I do play there a fair amount. 


    1. You shouldn't ddos, End of story, YOU yourself should know better enough not to listen to other people..


    2. You didn't steal destiny, as Lossy said, It got him more population so win/win for Raid


    Why do people feel like attacking rival servers... This brings back memories with TwS and JoKe, One enother Ddosing each other, Stealing files, GUID Spoofing to get admin... this is a god damned game, and if you wanted to act childish about it, grow up and get on with your own shit. 


  3. cf8607d94dc334e0a658cb48a8e5adda.png


    Sent to me about 4 days ago, I had a feeling he would try to say sorry on here, I don't see why he did it's not like everyone is going to go


    'Oh, It's perfectly fine, not only did you illegally ddos our  servers, and practically copy everything from Raid, Sure everything is perfectly fine, let's be friends!!!'




  4. Favorite deathrun map? mp_deathrun_sick / mp_dr_darmuh (v1)


    Favorite trap in a map? Darmuhv1/v2 last trap hueuheuh 


    Favorite endroom in a map? Bricky Knife:3



    Favorite secret in a map? Saw.


    Favorite mapper? Don't has one :<


    Most detailed map? Ruin/Ruin2/Stargate 1/SG1


    Hardest map? Terror


    Best themed map? Jurapark ^^


    Least favorite map? Multi/Framey_v3/Bounce_v2


  5. All the maps are made were absolutely shit and even this is better than my first 3 maps, so remember that. my map was an absolute shit hole with fucked up brushes everywhere, even my 4th map multi, was total shite but people liked it? idk why, just keep adding stuff but maybe change the name and make it indoors instead of floating brushes, the only map that really worked with floating was skydeath, just keep mapping and adding and don't rush the maps, so the maps you make make sure to think your ideas through and not just make brushes, use terrain patches, curve patches, and anything to make the map work


  6. As Combined Ops has become more popular, I was thinking is there a way to make it so the bots do not spawn when there is let's say, 6v6 so 12 Real people only, Because I find the bots to be annoying, while still something to kill, They virtually have aimbot :dumb: so I was thinking once it's a 6v6 that the game detects that and the bots do not spawn in for the next map so we can face against each other and not bots as well as Human players? 


  7. Watch tutorial to learn how to use the different tools/techniques but the real skill is being able to apply these to make something look detailed.


    I know how to do lots in radiant but i suck at applying it but with practice I'm getting better.




    i was referring to the scripting part of it with the triggers

    idfk how to script mate.


    Did you know read that Sheep? He said scripting... 
