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Found 5 results

  1. Hi friends! ME Name: Dean Powell Country: Botswana Age: 18 Occupation: Computer Technician I really enjoy this RAID community and look forward to interacting with you guys! Happy gaming and merry X-mas!
  2. HELLO EVERYBODY!! :) Here are some Informations about me: • Name: Max • Ingame Name: Medusa, Raid | Medusa • Age: 16 • Country: Germany • Languages: German, English • Gaming Platforms: PC and PS4 • Games: CoD, CS:GO, CS:S, GTA5, JC3 • Steam Profile Link: m3dusa | I started playing videogames when I was 10 years old because of my older brother and he also showed me CoD4 some years later and we played it together! I have stopped playing for a long time because of school and I started 1 week ago again. After the long break i wasn't even bad and again had fun playing videogames! Then I played on the High Jump | Fast XP Server of you guys and had so much fun and meet some nice people like [Raid] Ca$h who was also from Germany and some other people too! :D Sorry for my bad english but as you have already read earlier, I am from Germany and I only learn english in school! Thanks for reading this whole introduction! :)
  3. Hi

    Hi, my name is Andrew I'm from the U.S New York, Manhattan, I'm an average player, Average amount of skills, I'm pretty quiet, You can be friends with me if you want to, I don't hate/judge, I play soccer a lot and I love it, If you ever see something wrong done by me or you want to complain about something I have said to you tell me and I'll make sure to never do it again, Also I'm 16 years old, I might not be around for too long but I'll do my best, Thank you for taking some of your time to read my introduction, Truly appreciated, And see you in the server! Have a nice day. ingame-name: Passion
  4. Dear all, Some of you may already know me, my gaming name is Scillman. I have made the Zombies mod for #AfterLife.Gaming and that is where many of the people I know here came from. Due to making the Zombies mod I have never wrote any official introduction to any of the both communities. (Yes I have NEVER did this!) The reason I am doing it here and now is simple, BraXi reintroduced me into Deathrun and I still like it :wub: and many people around do not seem to believe me in-game. The next time anyone asks it I can simply redirect them here. :D Also it may be nice for the people that I know to know more about me. :P So let me sum it up, old-school: Game name: Scillman (Steam, XFire, etc.) Real name: *** Age: 21 (11-1992, why don't people believe this??) Country: The Netherlands Profession: Student; Bachelor Software-Engineering (in my last year, YES!) Haircolor: Blond; except for a part of my beard :sir: (that is why I tend to shave it off even though I like it :xd:) Political involvement: None, except for voting ofcourse Religion: No, I do not believe in any kind of gods whatsoever but I believe we are definitly not the only one in this damn dark part of the universe (the odds are soooo high that there is a big chance there is even life in our own solarsystem, how can you not expect there to be life in the universe!) Interests: Knowledge, sience, astronomy, gaming, programming, watching films, tennis, swimming, walking, bicycling (I am not actively involved in any kind of club!) I started strategy games well... I can not even remember this XD. I have started FPS gaming, first ones were Call of Duty: United Offensive & Call of Duty 2, on the age of 12 and started programming at the age of 13. We own a dog (Scotch Collie) and two black cats. (And no I do not believe in Friday the 13th) Lets hope this suffices for you all. Scillman Edit: Huh first post on the Raid forum?! I need to post more :rolleyes:
  5. I've been here for quite some time and haven't bothered to officially introduce myself :3 Cod4 was something that came apparent to me when i was around 13-14. I bought the game ( dad said i could order anygame for being brave for my first operation hue c: ) generally to test a custom gaming pc i bought thinking it was awesome and having no knowledge with computers at the time. I played once or twice and then never played for like a year, Had enough of multiplayer until i found a deathrun mod. At the time i didn't have no clue on what deathrun was and i entered a server being the only person online... The map was mp_dr_jura and i was just amazed on how someone could create such a map, later that night people were going on and every since i loved it; the server was novacrew btw. I was known in novacrew and was a member ( was a late member ) and i learnt mapping and that shiz. Was a great experience and have made friends who i still talk to alot today, axiiom, tanish, reactiion and many more :) Well that's how i really got into the cod4 community for deathrun and from there i just move around alot from clans and finally to this! Raid is a nice place to chill and share opinions and find information about others which i like ^^ If you want to come in contact you can use any of the options below, i'd be happy to talk, play games and such ^^ steam: j0rdz321 skype: j0rdz321 xfire: theunkn0wn1 I'd he happy to help with any mapping related questions :)