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Found 1 result

  1. WANT TO MAKE NEW MAPS/PLUGINS, BUT HAVE NO IDEAS? THIS IS THE PLACE :D This Topic thrives off of the communities ideas too. SO POST EM! Map Ideas: 1) A more activator based map. For example, the activator has to activate at least 1 trap, or there is a consequence. Another Example, activator must activate to advance to endrooms. (Dragonball style, but different) 2) Jumpers activate traps too? IDEA! When the jumper advances ahead of others, he can set mini traps off(nothing HUGE) while the activator does too. So it is like FFA deathrun, every man for himself :D 3) Give me more! Plugin Ideas: 1) A plugin which gives different XP amounts by the weapon you use. Ex: 150xp for sniper 80xp for knife(JUST EXAMPLE) 2) Script fixer. Nub scripter named Michael? No issue, script fixer can find your mistakes and give you many possible answers(LIKE SPELL CHECK STYLE) 3) Give me more! Mod Ideas: 1) Halo mod :D! Halo weapons, increased jump, remake the maps. WHY NOT? xD 2) Trickshot mod/maps. This isn't my style but someone else may like it. So, you make a mod with all snipers, add some weapons for trickshotting. Take off fall dmg. Make maps with teleport triggers on the floor which teleports you to a position where you must remain still(or moving like a treadmill), high buildings, many trickshot possibilities(ladders, etc), and more. 3) More ideas please! Tutorial ideas: 1) adding weapons from other games into a mod server. 2) Making a mod(Not the scripting part, but the programs needed) Thanks for reading bros! I wanted to make this for not only me, but for my fellow noobs or amazing mappers/scripters for challenges and to give them practice. Please note that I am NOT(BY FAR) a knowledgeable scripter or anything in this sense. Hopefully you all benefit from this topic, thanks! Message to admins/mods: If this spot is wrong, then move it please <3 thanks! And i will most likely edit this post often for informational purposes. <3 EDITS: 1) Changed color of tutorials section 5/9/14