Hello all, so some of you have been asking for a CoDjumper server for awhile and while i was messing around with menus i deecided to make it for CJ, so me and the rest of server mangers+ had a vote if we should setup a cod jumper server and agreed, so i started to finish of my work when i had time since the start of the week and me being me, i decided that i wanted to have source files to the mod, so i re-did some shit like I did with death run and now i have source files, whilst there still some things to do before it can even be tested it's near done.
Here a video of what it's kinda like at the moment, not fully though.
Now the reason I'm posting this is because I don't really play CJ much and you guys do so this will mean you'll know what I should try and add.
Here my TODO list, copied from my TODOLIST.TXT file ^^ so you have an idea of what i have left to do and what i plan on already adding