
Death Run server update topic

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Added chainsaw from RoTu. They take full credit


If you wish to make a map exlusive to raid or what ever the weapon file is called


There no need for you to precache it or add it to the mod.csv



  • Can't run with weapon
  • Does ~15 every hit
  • range of damage is melee range without lunge
  • You may knife people, but in the future I might change the dmg or remove it.

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Added chainsaw from RoTu. They take full credit


If you wish to make a map exlusive to raid or what ever the weapon file is called


There no need for you to precache it or add it to the mod.csv



  • Can't run with weapon
  • Does ~15 every hit
  • range of damage is melee range without lunge
  • You may knife people, but in the future I might change the dmg or remove it.



Video / picture of it?


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Update notes for end of month


[+] Ghost Jumpers

[+] If acti dies all alive jumpers will now get XP


i'm not sure about ghost jumpers....

As we know, ghost mode is the thing when you die during the round and you can respawn invisible BUT killchat and spectating system will be overfilled with deaths and mix-up.

Let's imagine there are 15 jumpers alive, during the round 12 of them die in first minute. What do we see now?  3 still alive jumpers do the map but other 12 are entered ghost mode and keep dying and respawning, dying and respawning, and the killchat becoming bullshit, so is spectating system, when you spectate alive jumpers while being dead, you also spectate people who entered ghost mode, and you just can't understand where is alive jumper and where is ghostrunner, these things do mix-up which I DONT LIKE.

>If acti dies all alive jumpers will now get xp

We know that people are greedy if it comes to experience, they activate for xp, because they're not so good to gain xp via finishing map and killing activator, they just hope that they'll become acti. This new feature will only open the new way to get xp! People will camp/do map slowly - hoping someone good will finish map fast and kill the acti so they can get xp while doing almost nothing.

My suggestion is to not add ghost mode, and add second feature but only if people will gain around 20-40 xp.


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Killchat will not be spammed with Ghost mode as any means to die will take you back to spawn, you'll have to manually exit the mode by pressing your melee key.


When activator dies all players will get 50xp. (double xp will not change it for now)


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Killchat will not be spammed with Ghost mode as any means to die will take you back to spawn, you'll have to manually exit the mode by pressing your melee key.


When activator dies all players will get 50xp. (double xp will not change it for now)


Yeh Lossy I supposed that you're good enough at scripting to disable some things. So, if the killchat problem is solved, what about spectating?

And about second feature, 50 xp is too big amount imo


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I guess I can place a hud text on ghost jumpers saying "In Ghost Mode" so when you spec them you'll see it as well. Was also planning to give ghost jumpers a different icon on the scoreboard so instead of dog tags it would be something else but i need some one to make me a image. :(


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I have never liked ghost mode for some reason, i don't know why, I just don't think it belongs to deathrun. Anyways, awesome job on this update and it will be fun to play when it comes out.


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Some people will like things some people won't. No one is forced to play in ghost mode so it won't do any harm adding it. 


Also I'm not show how spectating is done(when it selects people) apart from it won't select "dead" players, so i'll see what i can do so you can't spectate them if you wish or have a better option to spec them or not.


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2 maps will also follow soon after the update is out. I don't know when exactly but i hope in around 2 weeks.


More weapons might come later too, but i think 19 are enough for now.  :whistle:


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Good Job lossy! And finaly a server with ghost mode on :>


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5 Prestiges and I still haven't hit level 80 yet... rip


But this update is gonna be great, Good Job to everyone that worked on this!


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...and Beatthat


If I knew that Beatthat also worked on then good job Lossy and Beatthat..


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5 Prestiges and I still haven't hit level 80 yet... rip


But this update is gonna be great, Good Job to everyone that worked on this!

Was talking to lossy about that haha, I'm here since a few months before the first big raid dr update came out and I'm still only lvl 62 ( jan 2014 when it got updated )


The reason why i don't play much anymore is because it takes ages to rank up and to unlock new shit. Got boring imo but whatever, people seem to complain alot when they reach max rank, and it apparently is easier to tell who hacked his / her rank


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mhmm i wonder if i catch hackers when they prestige. e.g check how many kills, deaths etc.. they have :P


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[+] Promod server added to main menu

Isn't it already a promod in main menu? Or you mean 2nd one?


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Isn't it already a promod in main menu? Or you mean 2nd one?


Missing the promod 2 option


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Was talking to lossy about that haha, I'm here since a few months before the first big raid dr update came out and I'm still only lvl 62 ( jan 2014 when it got updated )


The reason why i don't play much anymore is because it takes ages to rank up and to unlock new shit. Got boring imo but whatever, people seem to complain alot when they reach max rank, and it apparently is easier to tell who hacked his / her rank

Its not too difficult to rank up but you do have to play a lot and such but it doesn't really bother me tbh  ^_^


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looks like nice updates lossy, i feel like a nub asking and i know its somewhere but when is release?


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looks like nice updates lossy, i feel like a nub asking and i know its somewhere but when is release?

On the 30th (Two days)


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