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[Beta] mp_dr_overgrown

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Thx, yes its inspired by decay. But Im planning to add some more foliage so its looking more like a overgrown place and less like decay :p


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Yeah for a map called overgrown there's not much... growing...

Looking alright, maybe try and use a few more textures as opposed to keeping it the same throughout the map.

Good luck with it :)


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Things I´m planning to add/remove:

[+]Adding more foliage around the map

[-]Remove the double fan jump 

[+]New pathway replacing the double fan jump with likely more traps




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Although it looks almost identical to Decay, i kinda like it - although the name OverGrown i was expecting a DR version of the cod4 map :okay:


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It's nice but under the water, it's not transparent like the top water is.


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From the screenies, it all looks like it's basically one texture. Try to add some foliage or some diversity, it's quite plain and boring so far.


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Looking good so far! If you want, add me on steam and we'll see about starting up the test server to run your map ^^ 


Also just another word of advice, I feel like the walls could be a bit more overgrown? Such as vines hanging down, or greenery / moss making its way up the wall, just for the extra affect :)


Other than that it looks like a fun map, well done ^^


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