
[W.I.P] The Map being made on Twitch

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So not too long ago I sporadically decided to just start streaming a deathrun map build. If you follow my youtube channel you would already know about this. I originally intended on building and completing the map in 8 hours but after that time I only had about 4 traps done. I streamed once again on sunday night and created only one more trap. The final map plans to have 8 so any suggestions will be welcome here as well as during building the map on stream. I will not be working on this map outside of when I work on it via stream. This is because I don't want to feel pressured into releasing something I haven't had time to work on and if I only have an hour or so to work it won't come out how I want it to.

So with that being said, I'll be posting the time lapse videos of my progress from start to finish. So far I've uploaded one video and have another rendered and ready to upload sometime in the near future. I'll also post screens below.

If you'd like to join me during the process of building the rest of the map i'll be streaming at http://www.twitch.tv/darmuh If you have an account follow me so you'll be notified when I next stream (Remember I don't use the twitch account solely for mapping). If you'd rather just watch time lapses i'll be posting them on youtube and then here after :)

Time lapse Part 1:



Time lapse Part 2:



Time lapse Part 3:



Time lapse Part 4:



Time lapse Part 5:



Time laspe Part 6:

-still not up due to issues with music content id claims and me getting busy-



http://imgur.com/a/4Kgby - from 3/25/2014

http://imgur.com/a/o3iIO - from 3/17/2014


To do list: (updated as of 4/11/2014)

  • Name it.
  • Surf Room.
  • Aim room (CoD4 Tutorial Level)
  • Add sounds for trap activation/traps
  • Add effects for rooms
  • Add music for rooms
  • Add ambient sound for the map
  • Add endtrigger and Traps to list


Stream Excerpts: (Points at which I accomplish/finish something)

Possible Names:
  • mp_dr_twitch


So uh yeah, any suggestions/comments/etc. are welcome here. Just sort of felt like posting something on the forums :3


UPDATED AS OF 4/11/2014

Edited by Darmuh

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Listen to me Darmuh, if you take the hype away from mp_dr_pyramid, i will somehow come to your house and cut you in your sleep. :troll:


(no-one go "there is no hype :troll:" because it isn't funny, as this was a joke in the first place.. and if you don't find it funny please don't down vote this, i'm fed up of annoying people down voting me for no reason, i'm on like -88 down votes..)


Gabe pls.


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im hated on this forums... the amount of hate that i get..


By downvoting NOBODY shows or means hate!

Well see, I downvoted one of your jokes and some of Darmuh's and Cat's....doesn't mean at all I hate them. That's just a way of expressing that we didn't enjoy the joke/post or that post was irrelevent and/or an unpopular opinion.


Ok now this is going so offtopic someone plz delete these posts (#3, #4, #5, #6)


....and Gabe calm down these are just fake internet points.


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Listen to me Darmuh, if you take the hype away from mp_dr_pyramid, i will somehow come to your house and cut you in your sleep. :troll:


(no-one go "there is no hype :troll:" because it isn't funny, as this was a joke in the first place.. and if you don't find it funny please don't down vote this, i'm fed up of annoying people down voting me for no reason, i'm on like -88 down votes..)

the more you go on about it, the more people will downvote you. 


At everyone, anymore abusing reputation system = 24h forum ban. Downvoting is made for not agreeing with some one post, not to fuck around.


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What if we downvote Gabe because we don't like him bitching at us? :>


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From what I saw on the stream last night, it looks good

Interested to see when a good player that can do far strafes gets picked for plague

Game over ^^


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Darmuh that electricity effect looks awesome, what stock files did you edit or was it from scratch?


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Darmuh that electricity effect looks awesome, what stock files did you edit or was it from scratch?


It's a combination of two effects and the second effect was a viewer's idea which darksoul sortof helped me with. The viewer wanted me to use one of the lightning effects and shrink it down, I added it to my effect i was settling on and it turned out pretty nice. It's the first effect i've ever custom made lol :)


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probably will be the best you will ever make :>


what does the electricity trap actually do though?

does it immediately kill you or?


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probably will be the best you will ever make :>


what does the electricity trap actually do though?

does it immediately kill you or?

Simple hurt trigger placed in the area of the effect that does 25dmg over the time of the effect.


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