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Editing map scripts >:) Where should I start?

39 posts in this topic

So in my free time i've decided I'm going to start editing map scripts to make their traps more efficient/bug free as well as random. I eventually want to do every map but I'd rather do more frequently played maps with not so great traps. So here you can place your suggestions ;)



Disclaimer: Before any change is done to the server I will be discussing them with Server Managers+


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Rescript Inferno, and Fix it bug free! I'm nub mapper :> huehurheruheruheurherhu. Do indipyramid, I looked at the scripts, and my eyes melted.


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Fix Chunk and make them more efficient, (i just cant be bothered to do it) also please make Semtex the first trap instead of a non-solid make it delete the brushes :p


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Indipiramid please, it's  everyone's classic favourite but bugs in the rooms (mostly jump room) doesn't teleport activator sometimes :/

I think everyone wants this map fixed.


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I second QueNNch's Suggestion, Try and fix the bug Which can sometime cause peoples game's to crash... Its kinda annoying when you have a lotta score and BOOM! Crash... :c


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I think the crashing has more to do with map textures than scripts, if there a script that caused players to crash then it would crash the server as well.


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Rescript Inferno, and Fix it bug free! I'm nub mapper :> huehurheruheruheurherhu. Do indipyramid, I looked at the scripts, and my eyes melted.

The script is very advanced? I heard PetX is a very good scriptor


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No, it's just in another language.

Oh lol... I looked at Buggedlikehell's map scripts by Neo and it was in Hungarian lol i was like dafuq


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That's why you make your own scripts because they make sense :)


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That's why you make your own scripts because they make sense :)

Hmm true :ph34r:


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There's a lot of maps on rotation that need fixing/new traps...

I think a good place to start is with the most repetitive ones


Some traps on Diehard need some fixing/updating

The first trap is pretty much useless since everyone bounces over it

Perhaps another spike higher up on the wall that comes shooting across a bit higher than when the jumper is in the air after contact with the bounce? Maybe the laser goes up and kills the jumpers. Or just remove the spike trap and bounce then add something more suiting (Players can still access secret from running up side ledge)?

Next, the raising platform trap has a ledge on the side that players could just walk across and not be affected by the trap

Like Tron's secret, the jump end room should kill jumpers after a certain amount of fail attempts (Or have a time limit where spikes come up and kill them if they fail again, like in Bounce's training room)

Now, the secret... I understand why Lossy removed it. Maybe have it just teleport you to the other side of the trap where the secret is located?

Lastly, maybe make hard mode actually hard ^^You talked about making things random, have the areas that hard mode affect random as well ^^. Also, the last section that hard mode affects (The middle platform of the three stone platforms that lead to the ladder) doesn't seems to be working anymore. It used to drop if someone jumped/moved across the middle


As said for diehard, it would be great if a fail amount before dying was set for the secret. Also, players with basic knowledge of fps switching can just skip the whole map and finish it faster than players doing the map without traps. Perhaps changing the location of where the secret teleports you to? 1/2 to 2/3 of the way seems a bit more reasonable

Another issue with it is the trap that allows the activator and jumper shoot each other... Adding (no clue actual name) wall bang proof trigger so the only the activator can shoot the jumper. I never really liked the trap itself, so if it's not possible then maybe change the trap completely? Have the platform swing out (Like a catapult) and have the jumper fly in the sky for a bit until he/she falls to her death (Sky death, so clever... :troll: ).


Not much to be changed...

The second trap should have the bounce disappear for a few seconds since most people can just bounce and avoid the pusher

Also, allow maybe have the last trap be random as well, pretty easy to understand the pattern and finish it.

If possible, add another trap right before you finish the map (The four platforms that rotate around in square motion). Not exactly sure would would be added... Maybe fire/lava shooting up or 1-2 of the platforms drop into the lava


Most of the traps are just easy... Some ideas for fix that

Trap 1.) Have it more like BlackandWhite's spinning small platform trap (and as wide)

Trap 2.) Perhaps increasing the speed of how fast they ascend/descend

Trap 3.) Either have it explode a bit faster or maybe have it destroy random parts of the platform after the explosion

Trap 4.) Have it able to be activated twice (Second activation has sharp "rocks" come out from the wall at a higher point to kill those on top of the pushers)

Trap 5.) Maybe have the area a bit longer distance when it vanishes


Would be fun and more difficult if the first trap had random platforms move up and down (Or even right to left)

Also, for the section with the eight platforms (Four outer ones rotating around in a circle), maybe have the non-moving ones more spaced out or moving as well.

Anyways, framey would be better with more traps...

Trap idea 1.) The area with multiple mini rectangle platforms could easily have a trap there. Have them rotate around or raise up and down (Or anything else)

Trap idea 2.) The section right before the bounce/ladders, could have the middle platform with the ladder spin so if anyone tried to climb/jump on it, they'd fall off.

Trap idea 3.) The spinning platform before you finish the map could spin the other way once activate



My eyes...

Just fix everything... :3


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@Anti, let me rephrase that I can't make *NEW* traps, I can only rescript older ones to be better.


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We have the technology...

Anyways, I guess you could just make the speed of some traps faster and have others more random

All that writing... Oh well ^^


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He could do that only if he got a hold of the mappers, and snatched the map file off of them. Which, most mappers don't want happening. I'd do the mapping part if Darmuh would script it, but like he said, no map file = No new traps/details added. 


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We have the technology...



lol, i'm not going into the effort of trying to spawn new 'terrian' into the maps through scripts, it will take much time and effort just to add one extra trap that will look bad anyway


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Was joking ^^

Anyways, guess adjusting speed/randomness of traps is about all


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Was joking ^^

Anyways, guess adjusting speed/randomness of traps is about all


I'm not worried about getting ideas on how to improve traps, it was more about which map to start with. Anyway most people said indipyramid so i'll start with that. Then i'll move to the top of the list below and move downward. All you nub mappers can script your maps yourselves :P I'm also not doing darmuhv2 because lossy was making darmuhsnow and I want him to finish it.






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Like lossy said, you can spawn brushes with scripting :3




// brush 1
 ( -6752 -2272 -992 ) ( -6816 -2272 -992 ) ( -6816 -2320 -992 ) icbm_missilebody 128 128 -672 0 0 0 lightmap_gray 16384 16384 0 0 0 0
 ( -6816 -2320 -944 ) ( -6816 -2272 -944 ) ( -6752 -2272 -944 ) icbm_missilebody 128 128 -672 0 0 0 lightmap_gray 16384 16384 0 0 0 0
 ( -6816 -2272 -912 ) ( -6752 -2272 -912 ) ( -6752 -2272 -992 ) icbm_missilebody 128 128 -672 0 0 0 lightmap_gray 16384 16384 0 0 0 0
 ( -6848 -2304 -944 ) ( -6848 -2256 -944 ) ( -6848 -2256 -1024 ) icbm_missilebody 128 128 0 0 0 0 lightmap_gray 16384 16384 0 0 0 0
 ( -6736 -2256 -912 ) ( -6800 -2256 -912 ) ( -6800 -2256 -992 ) icbm_hazardstripe2 64 64 -672 0 0 0 lightmap_gray 16384 16384 0 0 0 0
 ( -6880 -2224 -944 ) ( -6880 -2272 -944 ) ( -6880 -2272 -1024 ) icbm_missilebody 128 128 0 0 0 0 lightmap_gray 16384 16384 0 0 0 0

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Oh lol... I looked at Buggedlikehell's map scripts by Neo and it was in Hungarian lol i was like dafuq


Hungarian is the nicest language of the world, ok? :D


/sry offtopic


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