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The situation with my head

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[Partly copied from]

I'll tell my story on what happened the last 4 months.

On December 2, 2013 I woke up and went downstairs to eat sth. After that I went upstairs again and packed my stuff for school.

It was 7:25am and then it happened, I wanted to go downstairs and then I probably got a sortof blackout & I was back to life in the hospital. Yes, I fell down the stairs. I had a lot of pain in my neck&head. (My head -> nickname: Headdy (irony) ) They instantly put a sort of hard-plastic thing around my neck to prevent it from making it even worse. I had to pee in a fucking bucket because I couldn't stand up. They took some photos of my shoulders, legs and neck. Luckily nothing was broken.

Days got by and I still had a lot of pain. I have pain in my head 24/7.. I had to go to the hospital lots of times and I wasn't even able to walk anymore.. (Actually this isn't funny :>)

After dozens of hospital visits, physiotheraphy visits & psychological visits I still wasn't able to go to school. I was already home for a month.

December 26, 2013. I woke up, 9:45am and I had a weird feeling in my stomach, so I decided to get some water, in the bathroom. And *Boooom* I woke up in the motherfucking hospital again. My parents told me I fell on the wooden ground. Fuck! I had a lot of blood on my forehead & the doctors told me that it was serious. So they gave me the annoying neck holding thing and that thing is really hard and it hurts like shit. They took pictures again and gave the results, but they were waiting for a specialized doctor to take a look at 1 photo, my neck. I had to wait 4 bloodyfuckinghellshit long hours and it was hurting so motherfucking much. They thought I had a brain tumor.

They made 2 MRI scans of my neck & brain, luckily nothing was seriously damaged.

They told me I had to stay for 8 days in the hospital.

They send me home but I was able to walk a little bit again but it was still not enough to walk outside with the dog or so.

Again, I had a lot of hospital visits, physiotheraphy & physchological help to recover.

February 28, 2014 they told me I had to go to the hospital for 4 weeks, to take part of a special program to recover. I said okay and I had to wait till monday to go.

4 march 2014 I'm in the hospital. I need to stay here for 4 weeks & I still did not go to school.

It's the end of March now; I got out of the hospital because it only got worse. Now I have to wait 3 weeks for my first appointment with a special doctor who will look for how long I need to be at a recovery place/thing/hospital. It's approx 50km from my home so I probably won't even see my parents much. They actually guessed I need to stay there for 8 weeks. That will be a loooong time.

I missed a lot of schoolwork which is pretty fucking annoying :/

This is all because of the motherfucking time I fell down the stairs.

I think I can say; I'm stupid , nah seriously, falling down the stairs sounds pretty stupid, but my whole life is fucked now.

I still can't walk properly, long & stable, the pain in the head is still there; pain in my back & neck after doing exercises. I'm tired really fast & my concentration sucks.

And yes, I still have 24/7 pain in my head and yet they still not found why.

Anyways, this (^) kinda explains my situation.

Thanks for reading.

Edit: I actually never expected it would take this long. Be safe guys. It can happen to anyone :)


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Remember seeing this a while back on

Hope you feel better and whatever issue that it may be can be fixed

Get better soon and install an elevator in your house <3


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Haha thanks mate.

Good idea about the elevator. Let's start crowdfunding for this, haha. ;)


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Hope you get better. What you been through must of been hell. 


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Yeah. Even my parents told me I changed a lot during these months :( Which is always pretty sad to hear though. In the beginning I even had problems with talking.


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Ouch, that sucks. I do wish you the best of luck with your recovery and return to normality and no head pain. If you ever need any moral support. we're all here.


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Wish for the best Headdy. Unfortunatly nerve cells can't be replaced, I still have some minor injuries from bad posture and a car accident, but not as bad as you have it.



Get well soon on behalf of all of us.


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This doesn't deserve to happen to you, you're a nice guy, but get well soon!!!!


I'm fortunate to never have had anything broken in my life, maybe I've cut myself (by accident...) a few times, now i realize how lucky I am.


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I'm fortunate to never have had anything broken in my life, maybe I've cut myself (by accident...) a few times, now i realize how lucky I am.

Reminds me of a time when me and my friends went biking and i decided to go full speed down a hill in my city (since my city pretty much live on a hilly area, we have a lot of hilly roads) and i turned to avoid some people, went up a bump where a tree was placed and lost control and crashed into a wall, now i have a scar between my wrist and hand from the deep cut :D (didn't even hurt tbh but there was a lot of blood D:)


but this was like 4 years ago :o


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Reminds me of a time when me and my friends went biking and i decided to go full speed down a hill in my city (since my city pretty much live on a hilly area, we have a lot of hilly roads) and i turned to avoid some people, went up a bump where a tree was placed and lost control and crashed into a wall, now i have a scar between my wrist and hand from the deep cut :D (didn't even hurt tbh but there was a lot of blood D:)

but this was like 4 years ago :o

Sounds really spectacular!


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tl;dr I fucked up by falling down the stairs in December 2013 and I'm still not recovered after 4 months. I'll start in a recovery program soon.


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Everyone saying get well soon etc. has been making me cringe. You work hard to recover on your own (with the help of medical professionals of course), things don't magically get better.


Sorry to hear what happened to you headdy. Hope everything goes well in recovery.


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Facebook: "Like to help Headdy recovering, for each like I'll donate 0.10€. Share this!"




Thanks Darmuh. ;)


PS: Sending money would help me recover.. Huehehehehe.


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Everyone saying get well soon etc. has been making me cringe. You work hard to recover on your own (with the help of medical professionals of course), things don't magically get better.


Sorry to hear what happened to you headdy. Hope everything goes well in recovery.


The irony...


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