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Hey all,

here is my 1 map, called mp_dr_shield. I wont release it or fix any bugs/songs.

Download link:

- traps : 17
- without traps: easy
- with traps: easy/medium
- 4 Rooms : Bounce, Sniper, Knife, Old
- 1 Song (Can be activate through acti)













Have fun with it.



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Um, you said you won't release it but you're releasing it now lol. And to everyone who can't be bothered to see screenshots, this map is the standard float map with unoriginal traps with rainbow hands


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i only release the topic. i mean with no release the map.

Unoriginal traps ? is this important ?


The Grid with this rainbow hands i cant fix... icant make a new grid bec if i do it cod4 loads everytime ffa backlot map.


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i only release the topic. i mean with no release the map.

Unoriginal traps ? is this important ?

The Grid with this rainbow hands i cant fix... icant make a new grid bec if i do it cod4 loads everytime ffa backlot map.

lol good luck with your mapping career

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The Grid with this rainbow hands i cant fix... icant make a new grid bec if i do it cod4 loads everytime ffa backlot map.

You mean you don't know how to fix it.


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I think you guys don't understand. It's probably more of him trying to get feedback for when he does release a map. No need to be so aggressive about it.


Anyway as seen above the map doesn't look the "best" so my suggestion is to try and use textures that look good together or fit certain "buildings". Also try not to use the same texture for a floor and a wall.


Also if you're making grids, don't make massive ones. split them into sections of the map because CoD4 doesn't like it when you make one big massive one (make sure the grids aren't going through walls/floors/roofs etc..) and check the compile log for any errors when making grids.


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Lossy, on 21 Aug 2015 - 12:24 PM, said:

I think you guys don't understand. It's probably more of him trying to get feedback for when he does release a map. No need to be so aggressive about it.

Anyway as seen above the map doesn't look the "best" so my suggestion is to try and use textures that look good together or fit certain "buildings". Also try not to use the same texture for a floor and a wall.

Also if you're making grids, don't make massive ones. split them into sections of the map because CoD4 doesn't like it when you make one big massive one (make sure the grids aren't going through walls/floors/roofs etc..) and check the compile log for any errors when making grids.

You're missing the part where he says unoriginal traps is not important though. Is seems as if he won't take the feedback to try to make unique traps

I mean, unless if he was actually asking this question then what I said above is wrong but yes, unique traps are much better


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You're missing the part where he says unoriginal traps is not important though. Is seems as if he won't take the feedback to try to make unique traps

Quote the part where he says this. He asked you a question back.


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For your next map, think of a theme and create your map based upon it so you have an actual idea instead of just naming your map after yourself. Make it so it could be real life maybe and it's all possible so make sure things aren't floating and you can't see the bottom of the map.. Give it a story, don't just use the bare minimum requirements for a deathrun and publish it just so you have a deathrun map. Bug test your map more so you can fall off the map (in this map you can jump off spawn to the left or the right and jump off). 


tl;dr, I know it's your first map but if you wanna make better maps in the future, put more thought and effort into it.


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you don't need to be a mapper to understand the basics of it and give feedback



i don't need to be the smartest person in the world to tell when someone is a fucking idiot do i? 


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i only release the topic. i mean with no release the map.

Unoriginal traps ? is this important ?


The Grid with this rainbow hands i cant fix... icant make a new grid bec if i do it cod4 loads everytime ffa backlot map.

Just put a lightgrid around the map and add some music please, other than that, it's a good map


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Just put a lightgrid around the map and add some music please, other than that, it's a good map

Why would he have to add music? Just play your own music in the background


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I agree with playing music in the background because I do this a lot but when I play a new map I tend to see what music the map has because I have discovered a lot of new music from deathrun maps honestly 


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here is my 1 map, called mp_dr_shield. I wont release it or fix any bugs/songs.

k, guess I don't have to share any feedback as you don't care, nor I about your current/future maps.


either way I don't play cod4 :dumb:


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@@BraXi: I wrote it bec. its my first map. And the first map, you shouldnt release and i tryed to fix something but my cod4 give me in my script a line error which dont excist.. i dont know how to fix a line which arent in script.... Maybe anyone can look on it ?


I want to hear any feedback... that i make it at my next map better.


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