not official
New Servers?

16 posts in this topic

Hello Raid, 


           So for a while now I have been wondering what servers the community of Raid would like us to host. We have a strong

cod 4 player base and because of this we have a lot of cod 4 servers. but not all of our players play cod4 every single day and not everyone wants to join 1,000 community around the internet for each different game they play. so going along these lines there must be a large amount of people that would like new servers on different games. Now this is not official. Posting here will not guaranty that we host for that game. This is more like a simple survey to see what games you would like Raid to host servers for. Nothing special but of course any game that is to get a large majority of members wanting us to host servers on it then its likely we will follow that vote. We can trial new servers as we go and the ones that do not work out we can take down and try again. 


Now there is a small side note to this. We will not every host a minecraft server unless we either become millionaires or our community grows a lot. I know that people want us to host a minecraft server, even I want one, but the bottom line is that it would eat way at our dedicated server and cause our other servers to take quite a large hit. So if we where ever going to get a minecraft server we would have to get another dedi and that costs money and I would have to learn how to handle server clusters and that shit is confusing :P But yeah, I wanted to be open with what the reasoning was behind me saying no to a minecraft server.


So, please, Tell me what game ( and if applicable mod for X game ) you would like raid to host a server for.




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counter strike


In the form of? I understand that there is a lot of different types of servers you can have for that game.


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A Grimoire Manastorm server would be nice, but I imagine I'm the only one who plays it.. :P


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A Grimoire Manastorm server would be nice, but I imagine I'm the only one who plays it.. :P



Never heard of it


MW2, MW3, BO?

Does anybody else own these games?


Eww (jokes) I am pretty sure non of them have dedicated servers. i could be wrong. Bo might have it. :P






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Eww (jokes) I am pretty sure non of them have dedicated servers. i could be wrong. Bo might have it. :P

Black ops has dedi servers and FULL mod(not map) support.

MW2 has auracore client and repz client, both have weird mod support kinda, gsc mods I dunno it's weird.

MW3 has dedi servers on stock but in order to have scripting or whatever I think you'd need to use a client like repz. (not sure)


though none of them will be deathrun, if a lot of people have one of these games it could be interesting to host an infected/zombie server or sniper server up.


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In the form of? I understand that there is a lot of different types of servers you can have for that game.


This is where you have to get a little creative imo. Focus on one idea, then once that server has regular visitors move on to the next.

Hosting a server is one thing, but creating an environment that will entice people to keep coming back is another.


This means having specific rules & active admins, maintaining an up-to-date map rotation, and building an in-game community around that server.

That is not easy and will not come right away. You have to promote the server in more ways than just posting the IP on the forums.


For starters, an easy way to populate new servers would be having a "Raid Community Night". This event would be 3-5 hours of getting as much of the community as you can together to play on one server. You could even offer prizes like you did with the cod4 surf server.


Furthermore it'd be a good idea to start hosting videos on youtube. Give players an outlet for their achievements, special times, etc. Record fastest time records on surf/kz, record videos of community nights for laughs, in the case of a scouts/knives or casual 5v5 server you could post player highlights once a week/month/etc. Then you post all these videos on the website in a thread. Instant full-circle between the forum users and the players on the server. This is what really glues a community together in my opinion.


In CS:GO particularly, you could also host mini-tournaments whether it be 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, etc. Aim map servers are perfect for these. In fact recently at IEM San Jose casters played their 3v3 on aim maps.


Once a week you could host community tenmans on 5v5 servers.


tl;dr you can host:




-scouts knives

-casual 5v5 (perhaps with newer community maps like santorini)


-1v1 arena



Your biggest concern however (considering your past attempts at hosting csgo servers) is your lack of attention to them. Disregarding updates to the game results in the servers no longer being usable. Keep your server up to date with the game. I'd argue that csgo requires more constant attention than cod4 when it comes to hosting a server. But that should be obvious since csgo still receives updates while cod4 has been on 1.7 for up to 7 years.


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I'd be down for black ops one servers. I'd definitely chime in on there.


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In the form of? I understand that there is a lot of different types of servers you can have for that game.


Black ops has dedi servers and FULL mod(not map) support.

MW2 has auracore client and repz client, both have weird mod support kinda, gsc mods I dunno it's weird.

MW3 has dedi servers on stock but in order to have scripting or whatever I think you'd need to use a client like repz. (not sure)


though none of them will be deathrun, if a lot of people have one of these games it could be interesting to host an infected/zombie server or sniper server up.

TSD  :wub:


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TSD  :wub:

oh you :P


For starters, an easy way to populate new servers would be having a "Raid Community Night". This event would be 3-5 hours of getting as much of the community as you can together to play on one server. You could even offer prizes like you did with the cod4 surf server.


Furthermore it'd be a good idea to start hosting videos on youtube. Give players an outlet for their achievements, special times, etc. Record fastest time records on surf/kz, record videos of community nights for laughs, in the case of a scouts/knives or casual 5v5 server you could post player highlights once a week/month/etc. Then you post all these videos on the website in a thread. Instant full-circle between the forum users and the players on the server. This is what really glues a community together in my opinion.


I proposed the idea of raid events (look at hidden topics), though I still believe they could happen, and not just with csgo but any game. This idea is the way to go imo if Raid is going to stick around for a while.

And the YouTube stuff, I like this, I use yt so much and plus if we have really really good players (Shells surfing :>) we could even post it to reddit. We just need people up for creating this kind of content with some skill. 


gmod: dark rp. 

As much as I love darkRP, it's such a hard server to upkeep, you have to have active admins on 24/7 to catch trollers and rule breakers, plus, I'm 100% people in this community (anti c:) wouldn't play seriously defeating the purpose of 'RP'. Plus people have their favourite servers and those popular servers usually stay popular, and people only join servers with people in them, meaning many Raid members would have to be dedicated to the server.

Trust me, afterlife tried it and it was dead as soon as we left the server for the first time and nobody played it properly.


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This is where you have to get a little creative imo. Focus on one idea, then once that server has regular visitors move on to the next.



I will defiently talk to Troll about this and see if we can get something up and going. I like the idea of Events to help build the community. Although a new server would be an extension onto growing out our community. Of course we would put the man hours into making a server that has admins and the right amount of changes and mods to make the members happy. The reason I am putting it out to you all is so I can see what you all want and the one the community wants the most would be the one we first trial and see how it goes. This is just to get an idea of what to put into a poll for the community at a later date.


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