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Deathrun help

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I know this might be in the wrong topic if so please move it to the correct one so anyway I downloaded deathrun1.2 master source from gitthub and placed it in cod4/root/mods/deathrun_dev but when I run makemod it goes through everything nicely I see it says all thos files copied nd stuff and then at the end when I copies mod.ff back to the mod the files is only 1kb I have no idea why if somebody could please help me I don't know if I'm doing something wrong somewhere or what


Here is my makemod.bat console output:


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Use modwarfare instead of deathrun's makemod.bat or do you already use from modwarfare?


Otherwise try to use this code for mademod.bat and make sure to back-up your old .bat file

del z_modwarfare.iwd
del mod.ff

xcopy ui_mp ..\..\raw\ui_mp /SY
copy /Y mod.csv ..\..\zone_source
cd ..\..\bin
linker_pc.exe -language english -compress -cleanup mod
cd ..\mods\ModWarfare
copy ..\..\zone\english\mod.ff
7za a -r -tzip z_modwarfare.iwd maps
7za a -r -tzip z_modwarfare.iwd images


Just right click on the .bat file and paste this and save it.


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This is my currect makemod.bat code:

del mod.ff

xcopy animtrees ..\..\raw\animtrees /SY
xcopy braxi ..\..\raw\braxi /SY
xcopy plugins ..\..\raw\plugins /SY
xcopy english ..\..\raw\english /SY
xcopy fx ..\..\raw\fx /SY
xcopy images ..\..\raw\images /SY
xcopy maps ..\..\raw\maps /SY
xcopy material_properties ..\..\raw\material_properties /SY
xcopy materials ..\..\raw\materials /SY
xcopy info ..\..\raw\info /SY
xcopy mp ..\..\raw\mp /SY
xcopy soundaliases ..\..\raw\soundaliases /SY
xcopy sound ..\..\raw\sound /SY
xcopy ui ..\..\raw\ui /SY
xcopy ui_mp ..\..\raw\ui_mp /SY
xcopy weapons ..\..\raw\weapons /SY
xcopy vision ..\..\raw\vision /SY
xcopy xanim ..\..\raw\xanim /SY
xcopy xmodel ..\..\raw\xmodel /SY
xcopy xmodelparts ..\..\raw\xmodelparts /SY
xcopy xmodelsurfs ..\..\raw\xmodelsurfs /SY

copy /Y DeathRun_ReadMe.txt ..\..\raw
copy /Y cleanup.cfg ..\..\raw
copy /Y mod.csv ..\..\zone_source

cd ..\..\bin
linker_pc.exe -language english -compress -cleanup mod
cd ..\mods\deathrun_dev
copy ..\..\zone\english\mod.ff



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hmm.. I don't know, let's wait for other people with more knownledge.


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Will the following work in my vip menu:


addMenuOption("^Song 1 ","songs",braxi\_common::playSoundOnAllPlayers("endroun11.mp3"));​


Ive managed to compile mod.ff and tried to add endround11 as a sound alias inside of braxi.csv file jst not sure if the song will play once I execute the above code


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Usually when i go to console log it showed "couldnt find sound alias for <selected song>" now it dsnt show it any more when i try play it but now it just doesnt play and i get no errors any ideas?


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addMenuOption isn't a stock cod4 function or a function in deathrun so we don't know. Try adding sounds to the .iwd


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How do i play the sound then if that isnt a function I added them to the iwd and everything but i dont know how to play them in game


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maybe because of your silly typo "endroun11.mp3" ???



trust me, duble checking your code MIGHT HELP next time.


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Yes, and what he is saying is that you had a typo and entered endroun11.mp3 instead of endround11.mp3


Meaning you forgot the D.


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and the .mp3 part, he doesn't need to enter the sound file format. Just the name of the sound.


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The D is a forum type not a code typo its all typed like this in my code:



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Ok finally got all my music menus working 100% now just a last small thing i want to add !fps cmd to toggle fullbright on and off but seems that it keep putting it only on and also if one player types fps is puts fullbright for all players I use MAM this is my syntax pls help:

fps = "set admin fps:<ARG:PLAYER>"

I have tried these as well:

fps = "set admin fps:<PLAYER>"
fps = "set admin fps:<ARG>"
fps = "set admin fps:<PLAYER:PBID>"

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Move to help section.

If you need help with Deathrun them braxi very kindly released the sources here.

If you know gsc then you should be able to read it nice and easily :P just look for what you need to do. If you can find it then its likely that you will need to make it. Like fps. That's not a thing. It's also not a thing you can do in cod.


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Move to help section.

If you need help with Deathrun them braxi very kindly released the sources here.

If you know gsc then you should be able to read it nice and easily :P just look for what you need to do. If you can find it then its likely that you will need to make it. Like fps. That's not a thing. It's also not a thing you can do in cod.


He just wants help with making his "!fps" command toggle fullbright on and off. His problem is that it only toggles on but won't toggle off, and that it toggles on for all players when one person uses it. 



I'm not an expert here, but I would assume that somewhere in your GSC code for this command you have it down to obtain information about all players and then you're saving that as a variable and setting fullbright on that variable. 


As for the fact it's not toggling off, I believe that would be a simple if statement to ask the player if fullbright is already on or not before toggling, and then taking action depending on if their fullbright is already on or not. 


Again, I could be wrong about both of these and I most likely am as I do not code, but they're possible solutions(?). 


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There's a plugin made from DuffMan in which you press a button (i.e 4) which toggles fullbright.


I'm sure there's something similar for manu admin mod around somewhere,


Here's the link to the plugin if you'd rather:


It's a direct link, just add the .gsc into the plugins folder within your deathrun mod and simply add it to the _plugins.gsc (Pretty sure you know how to do this)


You could also read the fullbright.gsc and I'm sure you'll find out how to use it within manu admin mod.


Good luck :>


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Manu works differently as it's work as a database it would use php scripting.


Wrong button :dave:.....


But yes what he said, but remember that B3 works as a Database as well. But manu is ALOT easier since it's gsc scripting and not Python


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Manu works differently as it's work as a database it would use php scripting.

You make no sense


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Manu works differently as it's work as a database it would use php scripting.

That's like saying b3 works differently as it works as a database but it uses python.


Which is still incorrect.


Both saves into a database file and reads from a database file but are written in different languages.



Wrong button  :dave:.....


But yes what he said, but remember that B3 works as a Database as well. But manu is ALOT easier since it's gsc scripting and not Python


You also need to stop posting on topics you have no knowledge on as well. Manu and b3 commands are mainly based on rcon commands which a lot of rcon commands can be based on GSC scripts.


B3 doesn't work as a database(what ever the fuck that means) it stores its data into a database and reads from it just like php.


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That's like saying b3 works differently as it works as a database but it uses python.


Which is still incorrect.


Both saves into a database file and reads from a database file but are written in different languages.



You also need to stop posting on topics you have no knowledge on as well. Manu and b3 commands are mainly based on rcon commands which a lot of rcon commands can be based on GSC scripts.


B3 doesn't work as a database(what ever the fuck that means) it stores its data into a database and reads from it just like php.


But you can also change things as unban people from MySQL.... and that I said that it works as a database is indeed wrong, I've expressed it wrong. I had to say it works with a database.


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_commands['unban'] = 'unbanuser %(name)s' # remove players from game engine's ban.txt - yup looks like a database file to me, again stop saying things you have no clue about or even researched to make sure you are correct.


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