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[WIP] mp_dr_lazyriver

18 posts in this topic

Really nice map, it looks amazing and the detail is great, but to make your map a really great map, one that really stands out like Underworld, Detained (even though it's unfinished), Destiny etc... everything has to be perfect.
The loadscreen doesn't make sense and looks silly
Too much elephant tooting, once or twice would be better
The edges here seem sticky, could you cut them better? and
Dark bushes
Odd lighting line
A lot of fall damage, make them a silent drop or increase the min fall damage for your map
Make this an active trap, not a passive trap
Ugly water/sand border
Bad sand, same fall damage problem in the end room
Add more detail here and make it less 'squared'
The palms of the cylinder look a bit funny
If possible avoid teleports, I suggest an end trigger that triggers a moving staircase that gets revealed and leads the jumper to the end room, another trigger at the top of the stair case to teleport the acti to said room
Add splash noises in the water (can't remember which maps have it)
The diamond pools are a bit odd
This is slidey, which is cool, but you can't jump, so you get stuck
Slow this down & randomise
Again avoid teleports, make the acti portions more succinct, add staircases in the emtpy space instead of teles.


Put a sniper or something in the middle of the end room to add more danger, please don't make it 1v1
Randomise as many of the traps as you can, otherwise they will just be too easily passed
If you can, make the map longer, it's an enjoyable map and people won't want it to finish so abruptly
I hope my suggestions are useful to you. Great work, I'm sure the finished version will be amazing


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A lot of fall damage, make them a silent drop or increase the min fall damage for your map


You can do this bit without taking fall damage, might of been intended to be like that to add difficulty?


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You can do this bit without taking fall damage, might of been intended to be like that to add difficulty?

nah, it was almost impossible. 


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Made some small improvements:


-You cant take fall damage in the endgame anymore

-Some visual improvements

-Trap2 doesnt make you slide anymore

-Made most trap randomized


More suggestions are welcome!


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alpha blend grass onto the sides of the rocks please

and maybe some dirt :£


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Also make water a terrain (10x5 or smth like that) and alpha blend it everywhere and mostly at the edges to make it transparent - it will look much better than this opaque, ugly, "water".


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Also make water a terrain and alpha blend it everywhere and mostly at the edges.

wait it was a brush ... :motherofgod:


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