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[Release] mp_dr_arctic

   24 members have voted

  1. 1. Name of the map

    • Frozen
    • Frozenland
    • Arctic
    • Freezy
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    • Winter

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97 posts in this topic

Do a trap where the players are passing through a passage and there are icicles on top of them, and when it's activated the icicles fall into them.

Well.... Um..

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Do a trap where the players are passing through a passage and there are icicles on top of them, and when it's activated the icicles fall into them.



So you mean like every spike trap but icicles...


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I think you should have icicles but texture them with the yellow and back hazard texture because that's never been done before


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So you mean like every spike trap but icicles...

It was a dumb idea  :lol:


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i had the trap for snow darmuh, spiky icicles on the top and if activated and you go under them, they fall on you :dave:


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It was a dumb idea  :lol:

Well, at least you're trying.


Cant say how many times i've been disappointed by lazy mappers who make the same old spinning/moving platforms traps.


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have a trap like that,



Any trap idea I can put here? (so its harder to dodge the geysir) 




and here (bridge is a bit boring atm) 




Was thinking lasers, but meh


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Any trap idea I can put here? (so its harder to dodge the geysir)


have 3 and they block the pathway, so you have to jump over one to get past. Then make it random which one gets activates, looped ofc

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Make a trap where the activator has a sniper that shoots snowballs.


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Make a trap where the activator has a sniper that shoots snowballs.

I like the idea


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Make a trap where the activator has a sniper that shoots snowballs.

I like the idea


 I don't like it.


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Make a trap where the activator has a sniper that shoots snowballs.

Not a bad idea, but would rather not use a sniper but instead hands. And the weapon itself should do no damage, only the snowballs.


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Map feels really unfinished.

Not including scripts is annoying since we can't fully test it.

There's a bug at the end where you can fall behind the portals to the rooms and you're stuck.

I don't know why you only have 2-3 rooms (i don't know if old works since there are scripts).

Also, you're missing reflection probes and the lighting is a meh. No scenery is kind of a bummer to :<


Anyway, other than that it's good, even amazing for a first map but it feels like a premature release.


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I tested the thing behind the endrooms,  I could get up :s


And where is reflection probes mnissing? :s


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Lighting is bad in the igloos. Also you could see the bottom of the skybox which is ugly so i suggest putting mountains around the map. The door in the igloo is pretty bad too because it looks poorley placed.

You're missing reflection probes in the igloos


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Why couldn't you use the helicopter xmodel? No offense but it would look a lot better than your helicopters.


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Oh, I see they're ski rooms or wat the hell?
I have no idea what it's meant to be o.O

like a room on skis?


Also yes I see can get up at the end when you fall down but it's pretty much useless unless you're hiding in old and then it still is pretty pointless.


last note, in the bridge area and the bit after that with water under it, you can fall on snow terrain that goes about water and then you're stuck.


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Oh, I see they're ski rooms or wat the hell?

I have no idea what it's meant to be o.O

like a room on skis?


Also yes I see can get up at the end when you fall down but it's pretty much useless unless you're hiding in old and then it still is pretty pointless.


last note, in the bridge area and the bit after that with water under it, you can fall on snow terrain that goes about water and then you're stuck.

I just noticed that too. You can fall on snow terrain that goes about water and get stuck.


Besides that looks fantastic  :)


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