
Please remove PeZBots from CombinedOps

51 posts in this topic

Good Morning LossY

I really do appreciate another opinion on the topic at hand, contrary to popular and previous belief.

But what I've said throughout every single one of my posts and the fact that you still don't get it! I am not talking for myself here! I didn't just waltz in without gathering other players thoughts!

Now AS PREVIOUSLY STATED: Not some, but MANY people find the bots annoying. I've asked in excess of 20 players and every single person has replied "yes, bots are annoying and ahould be removed". And guess what? Those people left and probably won't come because of the damn bots!

If bots was a good idea, I'm sure we'd see a hell of a lot more empty/less active servers doing it!

Don't you just see? The proof is in the pudding and I've just served you a bowlful! Nobody likes bots but the selfish person in charge.

Now if thats not enough to convince you and if you'd like to CONTINUE to say I'm only thinking about myself then go ahead just don't blame me for all the players you lose because of bots.

Bloody well thanks again friends :)

You keep mentioning these people which all agree with you yet we have to take your word for it? Please.

Your opinion is your opinion, we respect that but we will not cater to your opinion because you feel it's superior. If you really feel that the majority of CO players would rather have bots completely 100% removed and would rather play 1v2, 1v1, 2v2, etc. matches then by all means go out and get that data.

Until then, we will work to find the best solution for both opinions. Which, believe it or not, is finding a way to make the bots only be a part of gameplay when they are needed (not enough players). As well as balancing the bots to be at the same skill level as you would find an average CoD player. If this were not the best common ground, you wouldn't see it in big FPS games like CS:GO, titanfall, etc.

Now you can continue to restate your opinion over and over without pointing toward any evidence whatsoever other than correlation with what you believe the majority believes or you can go and grab me some data which actually proves your statements.

We don't force you to play on our servers, if you don't like the logic we stand behind there are plenty of other empty servers you may join with your friends.


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