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[RELEASED] mp_dr_rooftops

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By the way, next time you do a name check guid for the creator, dont use names :dumb: anyone can use your name or iMtroll's and the text would pop up. Next time use a guid check script.


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Will try the map once I fix my stupid texture problem. ;-;

JR-Imagine, pls. Its literally a non moving prefab in the air. The helicopter is not moving nor is its propellers so dont facepalm me :facepalm:


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I'm sorry, but this is map is like one of the worse maps i've ever seen, i can't say about traps as i have yet to use them on other players. but this map is so bad and you're just so god damn lazy.


Also the fps problem isn't even the smoke or the buildings, it's because you haven't even portal or anything, you can see the bloody whole map in one frame and that is fucking terrible low quality map. JUST LOOK - !


and why the hell was you so lazy? placing down models/prefabs everywhere!!! it looks like you spent more time on the end rooms then the map itself!! you was even lazy with the ladders, you didn't even bother making your own and you didn't bother clipping the chopper properly!!!


Sorry bosnian but i expected a hell a lot better from you, this is terrible and lack of effort. I remember when you was on your laptop and always moaned on braxi forums how your laptop was crap and couldn't load any texture but caulk and you even said you'd make a really nice detailed map once you got your pc!!! this is like your 3rd map? and it's the worse!


Also why you using a ocean skybox for a cityish theme and the rubbish skybox settings?


please bosnian, open up radiant and improve this god damn map, stop being arrogant and improve it! P.S i ain't saying this is the worse, framey, multi, colourful are probably worse than this but at least them maps didn't use models/prefabs only pretty much :C


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You've upset Lossy SO much that he forgot how to grammar

nah Lossy can never grammar/spell.


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I'm sorry, but this is map is like one of the worse maps i've ever seen, i can't say about traps as i have yet to use them on other players. but this map is so bad and you're just so god damn lazy.


Also the fps problem isn't even the smoke or the buildings, it's because you haven't even portal or anything, you can see the bloody whole map in one frame and that is fucking terrible low quality map. JUST LOOK - !


and why the hell was you so lazy? placing down models/prefabs everywhere!!! it looks like you spent more time on the end rooms then the map itself!! you was even lazy with the ladders, you didn't even bother making your own and you didn't bother clipping the chopper properly!!!


Sorry bosnian but i expected a hell a lot better from you, this is terrible and lack of effort. I remember when you was on your laptop and always moaned on braxi forums how your laptop was crap and couldn't load any texture but caulk and you even said you'd make a really nice detailed map once you got your pc!!! this is like your 3rd map? and it's the worse!


Also why you using a ocean skybox for a cityish theme and the rubbish skybox settings?


please bosnian, open up radiant and improve this god damn map, stop being arrogant and improve it! P.S i ain't saying this is the worse, framey, multi, colourful are probably worse than this but at least them maps didn't use models/prefabs only pretty much :C



Eh.. I litteraly agree with you.. I just don't got the discipline to make a map :/..


Anyways remove this thread since the map is bugged, I am not even bothered anymore to map further on this map or to fix it.


And btw, the endrooms worked fine when I worked on the map?.. idk why they aren;t working now >:


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nah Lossy can never grammar/spell.

u wut m7 iz can spall and grammer m8


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