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New Error To Me: G_Spawn: No free entities

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I've read up on the error, and I get the image that it's because I am trying to spawn too much at once? Or that I am out of memory or something?


Anyway to bypass this? I need to place like another 40+ origins in my map -.-


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decrease the amount of spawn entities you have. Spawn entities include weapons, players, spawns, grenades, script_models etc... CoD4 max limit is 1024 entities i believe. A map should use up-to 600ish.


EDIT:To see exactly what's a entities in your map, press  F key in radiant, and un-ticket everything but something to do with entities, or click Edit in the navigation bar and click entity info.


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Aha! I believe it's linked to your effects. Make sure you dont have any effects being WHILE looped. I got this in stronghold and it got fixed by me redoing the effects, I later found out its because I was looping one.


while ( true )
       playFX( ........ );
       wait 5;

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Basically, cod4 has a limit to how many entities can be used up in one go, this can be from the mod and the map at the same time. For example if the limit of entities is 900, and you have 800 entities on your map and the mod uses 101, once it tries to spawn the 901st entity it will crash and give that error. 


Entities can consist of almost anything in your map, models/prefabs/spawns/lights/origins/triggers and such, almost everything you create on radiant will be known as an entity.


As Lossy said, the limit in CoD4 is 1024, so if you had let's say 600 models and/or prefab, 200 lights, 200 origins and 20 spawns in your map and luckily the mod only uses up 20 more entities, it'll be fine so long as another five entities aren't created. 


In basic terms, always check how many entities you're using and try to keep it under 800 at most.


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Thanks for all the help guys, but what Sentex suggested, fixed the issue. I had an FX in a while loop.


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