
CoD4 Lead Admin
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About West

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 07/18/95

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    North Dakota, USA


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  1. MY THUMB GREW A LITTLE BIT. ;w; Lowkey self conscious of my thumbs now. ;w; https://gyazo.com/c283df838cde6d8477011b0f94c138a9
  2. Went ahead and made some corrections to the topic, Nubkey. Thanks for the heads up, and for the smooth (or so it seemed) transition, and I, and I'm sure others, are lucky to have you as an owner over at PxG. Also, regarding the admin positions (as dumb of a question it MAY be), are they going to be e-mailed to the e-mail we signed up with, or PM'd on site, just to be sure what to keep an eye out for.
  3. Welcome to the community, Soap. :^) I can tell already we're gonna be great friends. Enjoy your stay~
  4. Hello, welcome to Raid, may not be on a good note, but as @Anti has said, one of our admins @Hana. has banned you for wallhack, with Anti saying she probably doesn't have proof, I'm willing to assume the same seeing as it was almost 8 months ago. Just on the off chance that you weren't actually cheating, I'm gonna go ahead and unban you, but keep in mind I'm going to watch over your account, as well put a notice on it to let other admins know to keep an eye on you, so I'd be careful, just in the off chance that you're lying; which I hope you aren't seeing as you're going through so much effort, I just don't want to see it wasted~ Anyways, feel free to Private Message Me, if you can't get back on. Have a good day. ( @Hana. if you do have proof, please private message me it, thank you~)
  5. I remember this... This definitely was recorded a very long time ago, if I had to guess early-mid 2015.
  6. Apologies for not posting back when the situation was over with, but thank you for the report, Caspa. And Anti for telling everyone, especially how I'm terrible at osu (cough ranked 10k in the world) Closing this now. :^)
  7. Thank you for your donation, it is very much appreciated. :^)
  8. Not exactly sure how, but I have donated on two separate occasions in the amount of 50 dollars, so that's maybe why it shows up twice. Not sure if Mikey can take one 50 dollar out and just mark it as $100, if that's even possible, of course.
  9. Welp, officially an oldfag, 21st birthday today.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. West


      I haven't got birthday money since 18. xD

    3. siikdude
    4. Beatthat


      happy birthday <3

  10. I'm personally a Monster guy, granted I haven't really drank any as of recent due to weight loss goals, but during my teenage years, holy shit. Drank that like water.
  11. Well, sorry to ruin your prediction, but I don't have any plans of it. ^^ c:
  12. ?? Anyways, Beat, was a pleasure, thank you for all the work you have done, and I still remember when we grinded the SHIT out of GTA when it released for PC, was really fun (and I still have a video when we sky dived off of the electrical tower. :P) But take care, and don't be a stranger, come visit us every so often. :)
  13. Aw, Connor. ;-; Feeling of sorrow seeing this topic, but I respect your choice, I'm lucky to have you as a close friend, and when I'm well off I'll be sure to visit you in England one day. <3 Always fun talking with you, and cheers! Best of luck. See you around, mate.
  14. Congratulations, Grandpa, I was curious as to why it was taking so long. o.O But I know you'll do great, and if you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to send them my way. ;)