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Everything posted by Lossy

  1. Sup

    also that isn't a picture of the "hacker" btw :P
  2. Sup

    dunno why you sending a email to him since his email has been hijacked. looks like he has a rat on his pc lul
  3. Sup

    who the fuck is x08164
  4. believe he's working on it and has a lot of features planned. Obviously all the ones from half-life/counter strike that aren't in there are planned if i remember correctly.
  5. but cod4 is more expensive than counter strike lol
  6. why has no one just made a speedrun mod for mappers to make speedrun maps!??!?!?
  7. I don't work on raid servers anymore, mikey does it all :dave:
  8. learn to read error. It's the python code, i got the error from b3 not your server console.
  9. l2 control+f nerd 160602 19:53:20 ERROR 'Error loading plugin deathrun' Traceback (most recent call last): File "b3\parser.pyo", line 673, in loadPlugins File "b3\parser.pyo", line 759, in pluginImport File "C:\Users\HIDDEN\Desktop\b3test\extplugins\deathrun.py", line 413 def cmd_fps(self, data, client, cmd=None): ^ IndentationError: unexpected indent
  10. you guys bash islam more than the catholic preists bashed the children
  11. goddamn pakistani people burning their children because they refuse a force marriage.
  12. if people didn't think about that before testing stuff then they shouldn't be running a server lol
  13. cod4master.activision.com is not down. It automatically sends a heartbeat to that master server as well. You should of checked before saying that.
  14. because the mapper didn't bother adding a spectator spawn so the game can't find one. That fix has already been added to the git page. https://github.com/BraXi/CoD4_DeathRun_1.2_Mod/blob/master/deathrun_dev/braxi/_mod.gsc#L360
  15. never know it might work
  16. then you obviously don't have admin permissions.
  17. obviously the one called admin lol
  18. I don't see where directory 1 is going. but all i know is you've got multiple problems :dave: try changing "public_ip" to your actual ip address and see if that changes anything
  19. make sure the setting game_log is actually going where the cod4 write its logs
  20. can you just take a screen shot pl0x?
  21. and question 1)?
  22. VERBOSE 'No readable socket' - Lost connection to game server question 1) do you see b3 sending console messages in the cod4 console 2) are you able connect to the server through cod4 if so answer these questions 2a) do you see b3 messages such as "Big Brother Bot is watching you... www.BigBrotherBot.net'" 2b) do you get any response when typing !help 3) triple check to make sure port numbers are the same. Type in cod4 server console net_port and compare it to b3.
  23. use deathrun default code
  24. troll got triggered
  25. you can't really shitpost to yourself idiot