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Everything posted by Lossy

  1. and not everyone bothers typing !rules ingame they just ask the admins :fff:
  2. Official rules are here http://raid-gaming.net/forums/index.php/topic/76-fun-server-rules/ + admins had a massive topic about fun server rules so i expected every admin to remember the rules and b3 is thomas job, i always break it :@
  3. b3 is showing default b3 rules
  4. or look at the portal...
  5. Then he's wrong. You're good to go outside the map up until you go into a massive building that you can way through or something like that so it's hard for non-cheating players to kill you. Which then rule 3 will be in forced by an admin if present.
  6. Since when was going out the map against server rules? Rule #2: No Going Under Any Map! Rule #3: Don't use spots within or outside the map that give you a massive advantage! That's the only rules about going outside the map, so some one please tell me where I have made going outside the map is not allowed as an official rule?
  7. The video isn't needed tbh as all you did was show spawn, shot some things and typed in chat some non need to know info. You should post radiant screen shots instead P.S when showing your new maps in a video, plan your path route, stay away from chat, and hide your gun. :)
  8. Everyone give it a rating of 1/10!
  9. Old one is much better, new one look like a phone on a pc.
  10. Or make it v2, so you can stuff his shitty map in the bin
  11. Use the old xfire nub
  12. Get out my bedroom first
  13. headdy told me on the shoutbox awhile ago, i forgot again :lol:
  14. so is ya // shit
  15. You was warned about re-joining the server and you didn't listen, now you want to talk to me but now i don't want to listen to your pathetic excuse like you didn't listen to my warnings, you keep using proxys/vpn, but enjoy them high pings. Banned from forums.
  16. but the traps look cool :(
  17. I swear you was able to get your provisional license at the age of 16? Have they changed it recently? :o maybe it has something to do with private land or being disabled... Oh well...
  18. You can drive a scooter or what ever you call it at 15/16 and drive in a car at 16 if you have an adult with you who's allowed to drive as well.
  19. Use the ticket system for a ban appeal :dave:
  20. if( topic != onTopic ) { ban ( self getEntityNumber()); } else repcount + 1;
  21. Ya'll kids, now post face pics.
  22. Totally not after more money but @Cloudy has stepped up the game.
  23. Hello all, so some of you have been asking for a CoDjumper server for awhile and while i was messing around with menus i deecided to make it for CJ, so me and the rest of server mangers+ had a vote if we should setup a cod jumper server and agreed, so i started to finish of my work when i had time since the start of the week and me being me, i decided that i wanted to have source files to the mod, so i re-did some shit like I did with death run and now i have source files, whilst there still some things to do before it can even be tested it's near done. Here a video of what it's kinda like at the moment, not fully though. http://www.xfire.com/video/62113f Now the reason I'm posting this is because I don't really play CJ much and you guys do so this will mean you'll know what I should try and add. Here my TODO list, copied from my TODOLIST.TXT file ^^ so you have an idea of what i have left to do and what i plan on already adding
  24. Decline, you don't seem fit enough nor ready to become admin on our servers.