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Everything posted by Fedzor

  1. Guys put this aside but an argument catches fire.
  2. I some how found this funny than i should of xD.
  3. I see where you're coming from, not to worry, i run and manage Quantum Gaming with @Cloudy and @Manix to, so applicating for Raid isn't doing me any harm. Errm? i wasn't advertising, i was simply showing that how capable i am at doing certain things, my servers were an example.
  4. Indeed, i had no idea comic sans looked different on a pc compared to how it looks on a tablet/phone. i have changed it.
  5. I understand where you're coming from man, we're currently making a new mod for Quantum dr, i apologize for manix's decisions of making it look like Raid, i did suggest Blue instead, but he dissagrees :(
  6. Welcome to our dungeon... <_<
  7. Nice Tutorial!
  8. Welcome to Raid-Gaming! Enjoy your stay with us.
  9. Alright so i'm not exactly sure where i'm going with this but i think it's a good idea and i think the script looks ok so far, although i'm not sure, i just need a little help and some advice, the plugin is so that you don't have to worry about removing somebody's vip, it will automatically be removed after a 1 month period. // ▒█░░▒█ ▀▀█▀▀ ▒█▀▀▀█ ░▒█▒█░ ░▒█░░ ░▀▀▀▄▄ ░░▀▄▀░ ░▒█░░ ▒█▄▄▄█ - Vip Time System Author: Fedzor Credit; zOOm- For coming up with the idea Geenasis/Revo- For thinking of the name // ( thread vips(); ) ( thread wait(); ) ( thread term(); ) ( thread sequence(); ) ( thread self(); ) ( thread time(); ) ( thread remove(); ) ( thread add(); ) ( thread vip(); ) ( thread find(); ) ( thread GUID(); ( ) thread plugin(); ) ( thread activevips(); ) ( #Include braxi\_Dvar; init() { %CD%\%MODNAME%["plugins"] = enable( level.dvar["plugin"], "vipmenu.gsc" ); //Rename vipmenu.gsc to the name of your vip plugin ) ( updatevipinfo() ( self.vip["vips"] = self getvips(); ) ( self.find["GUID"] = self findGUID(); ) ( if( playervip ) { appendToGUID( "pb_myguid", level.vipName+ find"&&1" ); level.vip["activevips"] = level.vipName ); game["GUID"] = find( level.dvar["pb_myguid"], ";" ); ) ( addVIP() ( if game["GUID"] = vip( level.dvar["pb_myguid"], ";" ); wait 2,628,000(); remove game["GUID"] = vip level.dvar["remove_guid"]. ";" ); ) ( return all; ) ( repeat;
  10. follow and obey? aren't they the same thing?
  11. @Mist. is a f g t, why do you like him :troll:
  12. Honestly a great guy to get on with, Good Luck my lil grape :p
  13. My god, i'mma just jizz as soon as i launch mirrors edge 2 :o
  14. Mirrors Edge :D
  15. They are separate posts, if it was a part of the this post in its self I would've edited it, but it was my reply, to give an example of what to do
  16. 1. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas 2. Grand Theft Auto V 3. Tony Hawks Underground 4. Tony Hawks American Wasteland 5. Call of Duty (Every Game) ----------------------------------------------------- A list of games I have enjoyed
  17. Good Luck waffle ;) #NiceWithSyrup
  18. Welcome to our community, we'll be sure to make you feel at home :)
  19. Good Luck :)
  20. Good Luck Cloudy, you deserve it :) ps: he's kind of a nub for dropping out of clans :unsure:
  21. Welcome to the forum mate :)
  22. A zombies server sounds like a great idea, 10/10 would play...